Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Harry's POV

Everything has been set up. Josh is going to take Kate in a date so Case will have her apartment all by herself. Well, that won't stay long though. I'll use Josh's key to get in the apartment and talk to Casey. I hope when Kate find out, she won't be too mad at Josh for betraying her...

Well anyways, I'm waiting for Josh and Kate to get out from the door. Ah! There they are! I hide myself behind the wall and hear their footsteps walking away from the room. I wait for a couple minutes before walking to her door. My hands are sweating and damn! I'm so nervous!

Slowly, I take the keys from my back pocket and open her door. There's no one inside but I can hear a slight voice from one of the room.

I walk slowly and open the door. The first sound I hear's sobs. Not a loud one, but a quiet sobs. It's like she's trying not to get notice by anyone which is weird cause she's the only person in the apartment. Excluding me of course.

She must have heard that someone opened her door and snap her beautiful tear-stained face to my direction. I smile a little to ease her panic face.

"Case, it's me. Harry?" I said as I walk slowly towards her bed.

She doesn't even blink for a few seconds but then her blank face turns into a furious one.

"What are you doing here?! How did you get in?!! I'm so gonna call a police!!!"

She gets up but trips on her feet and falls miserably. I stretch out my hand, trying to help her out but she ignores it and gets up herself.

She looks at me as if I'm the last person on earth she want to meet. I ask her softly. "Case? What did I do? I'm sorry for anything I've ever done to you."

She takes a deep breath and says with a shaky voice. "You know what? Forget it. Forget we ever met, forget we ever had a date. Forget everything. Just act like we have never even met. It's better for both of us."

I gasp and stare at her ridiculously. "What the hell?! Why are you suddenly acting like this?! Please tell me... Please..." My face softens as I try to make her talk about the main problem. This shouldn't be our stop.

She looks at me. Fear, hope, doubt mix in her feature. I take her hands in mine and put it on my chest. "Please. You know that you can trust me with anything. I'll never judge you. Please..."

She sighs deeply and says. "Please don't ever make me regret telling you this..."

I shake my head fiercely. "I won't."

"Okay." She takes a deep breath before continues. "Well, I used to have a boyfriend. His name is George. He...died 2 years ago, when I was 17. He was attacked by some guys who tried to rape me. I was the one who made him killed, even if it's accidentally. He still died when he tried to protect me. so when you tried to protect me from the hates, I...I stay away from you. You may not be killed, but people may do bad things to you because of me. Your fans may leave you because you defended me. Once is enough. I don't want to be a person who messed someone's life."

I stare at her. Utterly, completely shocked. (Italic) No wonder she stayed away from me, I say internally. She is tough. I don't know how I'll cope with that kind of situation but somehow, she does. Even if it leaves deep scar on her life, she still carries on.

"You'll never mess my life." I said softly. "I know we've only known each other for weeks but I...I like you, Case."

I hear her gasp but I continue my words and keep my eyes lock on her. "You're the only girl who treat me like I'm a normal guy. I can be whoever I want to be with you. There's no artificiality or hypocrisy. And don't blame a guy for trying to protect you. Especially the guy who loves you. Because it's his job. It's in his mind to protect the one's he loves the most. He might died, but he died in peace. He knew that he has put his girl in a safe place."

I raise my hand and cup her rosy cheeks. I wipe her tears with my thumb and say gently. "I really, really like you, Case. Will you do the honor and be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes widen in shock and I feel myself getting excited. Please say yes, please say yes, I repeat it over and over again in my mind. Her expression changes and I feel down immediately. She's going to say no.

She looks at me, sadness clears in her eyes. When she starts talking, I feel my breath starts to hitch.

"I'm...honored that you feel that way towards me. But...I don't feel the same way. Sorry."

My heart's crushed and I can almost literally feel the pain. I try to smile but all I can do is an awkward one. I remove my hand from her face and rise from her bed.

She quickly gets up and grab my arm. "I'm sorry. I'm still not ready to be in a relationship yet. You are a good friend, Harry. Please don't let this destroy our friendship..." She begs with her eyes.

I smile faintly. "No, I won't cut you off from my life. I can be your friend too." I'm quiet for a minute before adding. "It's okay. I'm fine."

Every word I said to her leaves a deep scar on my heart. It's all lies! I am NOT okay! I don't just want to be your friend! I want to be your boyfriend! Ugh.

"I just...yeah, I forgot that Niall needs me for something. So, yeah I should..just go now." I said shakily.

I walk away from the room. Sadness and disappointments fill my lungs. (Italic) At least, she still want to be your friend, my conscience says. You have to melt her heart and ask her out again! I think about it for a moment and it seems logical. She hasn't get over her boyfriend death and someone should help her to get over it! That someone could be me! I feel all cheer up again (A/N: I know, so bipolar, lol.) and I'm ready to make her fall in love with me. Just see, Case, you'll be mine one day.


A/N: I know. It sucks so bad. I wrote this when I had my math exam, so...yeah. It's kind of a filler but it's really important. I promise I'll do better next time!


mel x

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