Chapter 87

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**Scarlett's POV**

"Wherever she is, we just have to trust that she's safe," I tell Fred, handing him a cup of tea. He nods and mutters a thanks, still watching out the window. I sit down on the kitchen table.

"Are they still out there?"

"Two of them," he replies, "surely they don't do this with all Muggle borns."

"Most of them probably left the country and aren't associated with blood traitors," I point out. He sighs.

"It feels like months since I saw her," he says quietly. I nudge him softly with my toe and give him a knowing smile.

"That's because you're in love," I tell him. He gives me a half smile, then frowns.

"Has she said it back?" I ask, curiously.

"No, not really," he sighs, turning from the window.

"She'll do it when she's ready," I tell him gently, "she's had a lot going on with her family and losing her house. She loves you, I know she does."

Fred gives me a small smile and nods. The door opens and George appears as he removes his disallusionment charm.

"Well?" I demand. He stomps the snow from his boots and sits down, shivering.

"Nothing," he says, "no one has heard anything about Alex."

Fred puts his tea down and sinks into a seat. I put my hand softly on his shoulder.

"She'll be fine," I tell him gently.

**Alex's POV**

I wake with a jolt as if someone had yelled in my ear. My breathing is erratic, but I can't remember my dream. I think I was running from something, but I can't remember what. I sit up and pull my hair into a ponytail. I can hear Dane snoring in the other room and roll my eyes. So much for guard duty. Picking up my wand, I head outside. The moor is still dark, pink light just threatening the horizon. The air is chilly, but fresh. I inhale deeply, feeling the cold fill my lungs. I start to shiver, so I duck back inside the tent and look at the calendar on the wall. It's the twenty-fifth of January. It's been a whole month since the Death Eaters went to the Burrow. And still there's been no word that it's safe for me to go back. I sink to my knees, my head in my hands. I want to go home.

"Are you okay?"

I turn to see Dane standing in the doorway to his bedroom, his hair ruffled and his shirt askew. Clearly, he's just woken up.

"Yeah," I lie, "did I wake you?"

He shakes his head and comes to sit next to me.

"It's okay to be scared, you know," he says.

"I'm not scared," I tell him.

"Okay," he says, his tone clearly saying he doesn't believe me, "you know, even when You-Know-Who wasn't around, he was still scaring us. That's pretty sad, that we're so afraid of the name."

"Hmm. . ." My thoughts are still on the Burrow.

"I mean, it's just a name. 'A rose by any other name' and all that."


"I'm going to start using his name. Volde-"

I don't register what he's saying until it's too late.



There are several cracks around the tent and I leap to my feet, my wand held up.

"What's going on?" Dane asks, scared.


"Come out, come out, little mice!" a sing-song voice floats in through the open door. Dane is freaking out.

"We're going to side-along appa- NO!"

Dane tries to make a run for it, the idiot. Clearly fear fogs up his brain. I hesitate, then rush after him, thinking maybe I can catch him and disapparate before they can get him, but it's too late. There are three men holding him, one of them is tying him up. I know I can't help him. They all have wands and it's at least four against one. But I still hesitate.

"RUN!" Dane screams. Two of the men start towards me, but then I'm gone. I fall on my face in deep snow. I have nothing but my pyjamas and my wand. I curl up in the snow, shivering and crying. I know that Dane will end up in Azkaban or worse. He might not have been much, but he was my companion for the last month and he was a good guy. Now it's just me.

Hey guys, sorry about the long wait between chapters! I was on holiday with family, which was AWESOME!! Anyway, hope you liked it, vote, comment, let me know what you thought!!

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