13 -- Puke Breath

Start from the beginning

I kissed her cheek down to her neck. She pushed me and I thought she was pushing me away, but she pushed me down on the bed. I kissed her lips again. I smiled into the kiss. I could feel her smile back. She kissed my neck. Kissing her felt so good. I felt like I was on fire when I kissed her. All parts of my body were buzzing with electricity. I wondered if she felt that too.

I heard a knock on the door. We abruptly pulled back. I sighed not wanting it to ever end. I didn’t get to kiss her often because of that damn boyfriend she had. It wasn’t fair I had to sit there and watch them make out when I know she should be with me instead of him.

She opened the door. Ashton stared at both of us. “You two didn’t…” We both shook our head rapidly. He let out a breath of relief. “Sorry, you just, your hair.” She ran to the mirror and looked at her hair. It was all messed up. She shot me a look and combed it. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing.

                                                            Danni’s POV

I couldn’t believe he did that to my hair. But it was worth it. It was so, so worth it. He was the best kisser ever and it felt so good. The fireworks were so amazing when I kissed him. I couldn’t get the taste of his lips out of my mouth. My whole body was still tingling. I wondered if he felt the same way.

Wait! What the hell am I thinking?! I have a boyfriend! A boyfriend that I like and I don’t want to throw away over Alex! I looked over at Ashton. He was staring at me like he expected me to say something. “I, um,” I stuttered and went back to comb my hair. He kept staring at me. “What!”

He looked back and forth between us. “I want to talk to her alone.” Alex nodded and walked out. Ashton stared at me in silence. “Looks like you two had fun.” I blushed and looked away. “Kidding! I’m sorry I did that to you. But I had a reason.” I looked at him with interest. “I wanted to know if you would kiss him. I mean you kissed him in the mall and I wanted to see if there was more between you.”

I looked away. “There’s nothing between me and Alex!” I yelled a little too soon and he raised an eyebrow at me.

He shook his head. “I know you’re lying,” he teased staring at my foot. My foot was shaking more than I had ever seen it shake before. I sighed. “Come, on, Danni. You can tell me anything.”

I sighed. I knew I could tell him everything, but I didn’t know if I should. His comforting brown eyes pleaded with me. “Well, I don’t know. I like Cody, a lot. When I kiss him I get this feeling and it just feels so amazing. And Cody’s just so sweet. But then there’s Alex.” I sighed and shook my head. “I don’t know anything about Alex.”

He looked at me unconvinced. I had given him what he wanted, the truth, just not the whole truth. “Danni, if you try to lie to me one more time I will smack you.”

I smiled and giggled trying to imagine him smacking me for real. “Fine. When I kiss Alex there are these fireworks. I get them with Cody too. But with Alex their different, they’re just a strong, but unexplainably different. But Alex, I mean, he’s Alex, obnoxious, annoying Alex. And I don’t want to throw away Cody for him.”

He nodded. He pulled me into a hug for no reason. I didn’t hug him back. “I know that this is confusing for you. I may not get all this girly stuff.” I shot him a look. “Not that you’re girly. It’s just that it’s not a guy problem. But I promise I’ll be here for you, Danni.” I smiled and hugged him back.

I knew what he was doing. He knows that I have nobody to talk about this stuff with. I had no girl friends or mother to talk about this with. So Ashton’s the guy I can tell stuff to, even if he doesn’t get it. To be honest it’s kind of nice to have somebody to talk about this too, even if he doesn’t understand.

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