He huffed and sat up straight, letting go of my hand, and shoving his in his sweater pocket. "Oh, c'mon don't be that way. I don't like seeing you like this." 

"If you didn't like seeing me like this, then we could walk out those doors and never walk back."

I chuckled, leaned over, planting a kiss on his forehead, and said, "I'm sorry but you know I won't do that."

He looked at me with pleading eyes, in a final attempt to win me over, and honestly, it would have worked, but I told myself I wouldn't do it. I shook my head and gave him a sad smile. "It'll be okay. I promise," I said. "When I promise something, I never go back on it."

He didn't reply. I'm not sure if he believed me. I know a few people have said something like that to me and done the exact opposite, but I wasn't lying. It would be okay. I don't care what I have to do to make sure he's okay.

Minutes later, a tall woman with a white blouse and black pencil skirt walked into the waiting room, calling, "Castiel Novak."

I stood up, and grabbed Cas' hand forcing him to stand up too. Reluctantly, he walked with me into the room the woman, Mrs. Hooley, was leading us to.

As we entered the room, we were engulfed in a mass of white and black. The walls the floors the bookshelves were white, and most of the other things, the desks, the arm chairs, were white. "Please," she said. "Have a seat. You can call me Carolyn if that would make things more comfortable."

"So which of you is Castiel?" She asked inquisitively.

"I am," Cas said, raising his hand slightly. He pointed at me and said, "This is my friend Dean." Friend? Ouch. I mean, I guess we weren't officially anything more than that but honestly, that kinda hurt.  

She smiled and stood up, holding her hand to shake. Cas made no attempt to shake her hand, so, not wanting to make anything more uncomfortable than it already was, I shook with her.

This was the 3 shrink Cas had seen since he got out of the hospital. None of the other ones gave him the help he needed. Fortunately, she knew the issues since she communicated with the other therapists.

"So where shall we begin?"

"You tell me. You're the professional here." Cas snapped back at her. I don't think he meant to be rude, but he was. Carolyn was taken aback by his notion. "O-okay. Well, lets start by asking what was the last thing you remember."

Cas rolled his eyes, but began speaking. "I remember being at Dean's house with his brother Sam, and my brother Gabriel. We were playing video games. I remember leaving around 10, and driving home but no further than that."

"Alright. We'll work from there."


"Close your eyes and try to remember that day," Carolyn said. Cas complied. "Now tell me, what do you see?"

"I see... My classroom. I'm sitting in English class. I'm bored out of my mind. I'm barely paying attention. It was only twenty minutes into the class. In my mind, everything is peaceful. Until..."

"Until what?" She prompted.

"Until I get a text..." It seemed as though realization struck my best friend. His body visibly tensed up, and his eyes opened abruptly.

"What does the text say? C'mon Castiel, you're almost there."

I could see tears brimming along her eyes. "Its from my girlfriend. Its a nude photo with the caption of 'Can't wait for tonight, Andrew. You excited as I am?'. That day, I asked her on a date, but she said she was feeling sick. She wasn't sick... She was cheating on me."

Sympathy was plastered all over Mrs. Hooley's face. I could tell she was reluctant to do so, considering how it seemed to effect Cas, but she pushed on. "What did you do then?"

"I grabbed my bag and ran out of the class. I jumped in my car and drove to her house. Her mother opened the door, and told me I could go to my girlfriends room. I open the door and she's there... with some other guy. Without saying anything, I leave, and go to my house. Luckily, no one was there. I remember heading straight for the liquor cabinet." Cas laughed dryly. "I must have drank half of that cabinet. After I convinced myself to stop drinking, I got into my car and drove. At the time, I had no idea where I was going. I was just driving. I stopped at the dam, and without a second thought, I got out of my car, I went to the ledge... and I jumped."

The rest of the evening was mainly Carolyn talking about what she was thinking about diagnosing him with and prescribing him with, and Cas tuning out almost everything she said.

Thinking about it now, I don't blame him for not wanting to remember. If I were in his position, I wouldn't have either.

Before I Met You (DESTIEL HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now