Chapter 30

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Sorry you had to wait this long I had a major writers block.

Mason's POV.

I finally got a hold of his neck with my teeth and snapped it, he was dead in seconds.

I raced towards the pack doctor to check and see if Savannah was okay but not before checking the area to see if there was anyone else with him.

I didn't see, hear, or smell anyone else that could have been there that wasn't from the pack or anyone I would possibly know.

As soon as I reached the doctors I asked the man who was behind the desk "Where is Savannah?" I said urgently.

"I-I don't know" he stuttered, the stupid man stuttered something is up.

I grabbed the collar pulling him down onto the desk.

"your going to tell me where she is or I'm going to rip your throat out....with my teeth"

"I-I really don't know"

"than why are you stuttering? Huh"

"because your scaring me" he said unsure if I would believe him which I didn't.

"yet the first time I had asked you nicely and I don't do that often" I told him.


I slammed my hand in a fist on the table which made him flinch next time my fist is going to do that on his face, how the hell does he not know where she is yet he's a front desk.

"where the hell is she!" I yelled at him.

"I rea-really don't kn-know" he said but I heard his heart skip a beat.

"tell me that agian slowly" I told him listening to his heart beat.

"I. Don't. Know. Where. She. Is" when he said don't I heard his heart skip a beat telling me that he was lying to me.

"can I ask you something?" I questioned him threateningly.

"umm o-ok"

"how come when you said the word 'don't' your heart skipped a beat? Huh"

"TELL ME" I yelled at him using my Alpha voice.

"I-I'm n-not sure"

"oh I think you do, I think you know exactly what I mean and you know where she is"

"I-I can't say" he said still nervous.

"and why is that?"

"they'll kill me" he said.

"how about you tell me everything you know and show me everything you can find and i wont kill you for lying to me"

"o-okay follow me" he said.

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