xii. the best friend and the spiders

Start from the beginning

"No, sir. Nothing."

Gemmalynn watched as her grandfather quietly studied Riddle. She was almost certain they were thinking the same thing, Riddle knew something and wasn't telling the truth.

"Very well, then. Hurry along."

Dumbledore walked past Gemmalynn and Harry, obviously not seeing them, and as soon as he was gone, Riddle rushed towards the dungeon steps. Gemmalynn and Harry exchange looks and nodded before following after him. The two saw Riddle peering into the crack of the door.

"C'mon, Aragog. Gotta get yeh outta here. C'mon now. In the box."

Riddle stepped back and pushed the door. Gemmalynn and Harry saw inside the room, crouching by a box, was a young Hagrid.

Gemmalynn gasped in surprise. "Hagrid?" she mumbled in disbelief and frowned when she heard strange clicking coming from the box.

"Evening, Hagrid. I'm going to have to turn you in, Hagrid. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone."

Gemmalynn gasped in horror as Harry looked worriedly at her.

"No, yeh can't! Yeh don' understand!"

"Hagrid. The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered."

Gemmalynn and Harry's eyes widen in shock as they looked at each other.

"It wasn' him! Aragog never'd kill no one! Never!"

"Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid. Now, stand aside."

Riddle drew his wand, blasted the closed door off hinges and extinguishing the torches within. Gemmalynn and Harry gasped in shock as Harry grabbed Gemmalynn and pushed her back.

A low-slung creature with a tangle of black legs, a gleam of many eyes and a pair of razor-sharp pincers, scuttled out of the shadows. As Riddle pointed his wand at it, Hagrid leaped to its defence.


Riddle and Hagrid tumbled to the floor as the entire room whirled off its axis, spinning. Gemmalynn and Harry found themselves plummeting through color and shadow again, bringing them back inside the Gryffindor Tower as they groaned in pain.


"Okay, that hurt."

Gemmalynn and Harry opened their eyes and stopped groaning when they saw each other's green eyes. They blinked, processing what just happened before realizing their current position. Harry has fallen flat on his back with Gemmalynn on top of him, cushioning her fall.

Harry's eyes widen as he gazed at Gemmalynn, and swore he felt his heart did a leap and a million butterflies flying around inside his stomach. He admited that Gemmalynn was pretty ever since they met last year on his birthday, and there was no denying that he was attracted to her. However, he wasn't sure what exactly he was feeling. Maybe, before this moment, he already has feelings for her and he didn't even know.

'I like her.'

Harry's thoughts, feelings and their current position brought a blush on his cheeks.

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