xii. the best friend and the spiders

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Gemmalynn and Harry glanced around, disoriented at just what happened.

Harry looked at Gemmalynn. "Gem, you okay?" he asked, worriedly.

Gemmalynn smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. No broken bones or anything major." she assured him. "How about you, Harry?"

Harry smiled back. "Same as you."

Gemmalynn turned around and saw a tall and handsome boy with pale skin, jet black hair, and dark eyes. She frowned in confusion, remembering the same boy she saw at the Mirror of Erised.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle. That must be him, the owner of the diary." Gemmalynn whispered to Harry, who nodded at her.

Riddle peered around a corner at the end of the corridor as a flurry of shadows danced on the wall beyond the boy, revealing the presence of others, unseen, in an adjoining room.

Gemmalynn and Harry slowly moved towards Riddle as low voices emanated from the shadows.

"Excuse me. Could you tell us where we are?" Harry whispered to Riddle, who didn't respond as if not hearing him. "Hello?"

Gemmalynn looked at Riddle in confusion. "As if he can't hear us." she mumbled and remembered what the diary told them. "It's showing us what happened in the past."

Harry looked at her and nodded in realization at what was happening. The two turned to Riddle and watched what was happening before them.

Riddle's eyes staked to the activity in the adjoining room, which was the Entrance Hall. A group of elder witches and wizards, Hogwarts Professors talked amongst themselves, then abruptly went silent as they made way for two young wizards, bearing a stretcher.


Gemmalynn, Harry and Riddle turned around. Gemmalynn's eyes widen and gasped in surprise.


Harry looked as surprised as Gemmalynn and they stared at Dumbledore, who was fifty years younger.

Gemmalynn grinned. "Grandpa looks so young!"

"Professor Dumbledore."

"It's not wise to be wandering around this late, Tom."

"Yes, Professor. I suppose I just had to see for myself, if the rumors were true."

Riddle glanced at the young wizards, carrying the stretcher out of the Hall, into the night. Gemmalynn followed his eyes and looked sadly.

"I'm afraid they are, Tom."

"About the school as well? They wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they, Professor?"

"Headmaster Dippet may have no choice, I'm afraid."

"Sir? If it all stopped. If the person responsible was caught."

"Is there something you wish to tell me, Tom?"

Gemmalynn narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her fifty years younger grandfather and Riddle. 'Grandpa seems to know almost everything that's happening to the students, and Tom Riddle seem to know something.'

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