Chapter 22: One and the Same

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"My parents should have just let me die with them," Kat had finally said what she wanted to. "It would have save everyone trouble. Logan would be safe at the X Mansion where so many people need him, Loki and the Avengers wouldn't have to deal with all of this! Oliver would be alive!"

Do you really think that? Logan loves you like his own. You're basically the reason that he got out of Project X, you were his motivation. Loki and the Avengers would have to deal with the Dark Elves stealing the Tesseract with Taylor anyway. And Oliver wouldn't have lived as long without you.

"What do you mean?"

Just because you were out of it most of the time in Project X HQ doesn't mean I was. They found Oliver while he was dying. They pumped your blood into his body and he woke up. He was alive and well, then he got out of there with you and Logan.

Kat was silent where she stood.

And what about all of those people you saved with your powers? All of those robberies and bad guys you've stopped? That was all you.

"You helped."

Did I? Or did I sit in the back of your head?

Kat changed the subject, "What now?"

Now you return back to the land of the living and tell everyone the truth. Tell them who you are, where you come from, and tell Loki that you love him. But most of all, be an Avenger and hit the Dark Elves, but faster and harder. Make them sorry they even thought about messing with your people.

What she said was exactly what Kat had been thinking. Now she knows why. It's because they are one and the same.


Kat left the forest behind for the safety of the Tower. When she woke up she was laying on a bed in the medical ward, her catsuit replaced with her favorite sweat pants and a tank top. She made a mental note to thank Loki later, but right now she needed to gather everyone around to tell them what was going on and the new plan she had.

Dr. Banner walked through the door, taking note of her sitting up in the bed. He opened his mouth to speak but Kat beat him to it.

"We need an emergency Avengers meeting." She stated, already standing up and throwing on the flannel that was placed at the end of her bed.

"What for?" Dr. Banner asked.

"I know everything now."


*Kat's POV*

An hour later, here I was explaining to my team what the Beast had told me. It was taking so long because the first 10 minutes of everyone hugging me and asking if I was okay. The next 25 was taken up by me trying to explain that the Beast was actually good and trying to help me. Now, I was just about finished.

"So, basically, I'm an orphaned, alien princess born with metal bones and a wolf in my head that helps me with life. I was also friends with the other two aliens in this room and betrothed to one. Any questions?"

Tony raised his hands.


"Yeah, what about this makes sense?"

"Well," I ran a hand through my hair. "It explains why I can't remember anything before Weapon X and the Beast's purpose."

"No, the part where you practically grew up with these two," he gestured to Thor and Loki. "And you and Reindeer Games suppose to be married by now."

"What is so bad about being married to me, Anthony?" Loki growled.


"Stark," I warned, my voice stern. "Zip it before I zip it for you."

Beauty is a BeastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora