Chapter 33

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I smelled something really good. What time is it. Is it breakfast or is it dinner. I rolled over to see what time it was. It was 4:56pm. Thank goodness it was dinner time I'm starving. It smelled like spaghetti.

I quietly walked into the kitchen so I could see what Harry's making without him knowing. I looked over his shoulder and seen my favourite dinner spaghetti. I hope he doesn't back up." Time for the plates eh buddy." Ah crap. Harry moved too quickly before I could even move. We landed on the floor together with a big thug.

Harry laughed while he shook his head. "What are you doing babe." Spying. 

"I wanted to see what's for dinner with out you knowing so I could get a kiss when you woke me up for dinner." Harry kissed my nose making me laugh.

"How did I get so lucky." I shrugged. Man was it hard to keep a secret from him.  I always loved him since I was fourteen but I kept it a secret from him because he was a lady's man back then and he still is but he had so many girl that wanted to go out with him but in the end he picks me to be with forever.

"When are we getting married Harry." I hope soon.

"When ever you want my love." Oh goodie I get to pick the date.

hmm when do I want to get married. "How about July the 20th or when we're done school."

"Either one sound fine to me but I want you to really think about the day yah no." I nodded I'm still not sure on the day that I want to walk down the aisle.

"I love you." I smiled and realized that we were still on the floor, oh well.

"I love you too, but let's eat I'm starving." I nodded getting off the floor once he got off of me. We ate like any normal family before we went to bed.


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