Chapter thirty seven

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Chapter thirty seven.

A devious plan indeed.

Emily and I were sitting on the warm sandy beach, watching the boys in the water. Wow was it a sight!

Three boys that were shirtless was just wonderful. Damon and Eric were ganging up on Sam by dumping him in the sea.

Sebastian was with Blake back at the beach house, he was comforting her and hopefully get back together. Who knows.

"Ah just look at Sam! He's just perfection, his god like body; the way the water just glistens on his amazing perfection. He's just so..." Emily droned of gazing with admiration at Sam.

"And he's coming this way. Run Emily!"

We both scrambled up and took off down the beach away from the three boys who had been sprinting for us with buckets filled with cold sea water.

We ran until we hit the road. Literally.

I fell straight forward and grazed my knee on the rough road. Fortunately the boys had given up the chase other wise we would have been soaked by now.

"C'mon El, the towns just up here. We can get a coffee. Trust me it ain't far."

I brushed away the gravel that had stuck to my bruised knee. Thanking god that it wasn't bleeding I followed Emily down the road.


"Thought you said it wasn't far" I glared at Emily for this torture.

"Thirty minutes isn't far!" She protested.

"Thirty friggin' minutes! Up a HILL! Your trying to kill me!"

"That's rich coming from a soccer player."

"Football; it's football."

"Sure it is sweetheart, sure it is."

I scowled and continued walking. We walked into the town. A few locals have us a smile and said "hello" but there was a group of preteen boys.

As we walked past the boys they winked and wolf whistled at us. Emily shifted uncomfortably next to me.

Emily was wearing a bright green bikini top with with white short shorts and a pair of black converse. I was wearing the same except my bikini was blue and my shorts were blue denim. I, fortunately was wearing a large white, semi see-through tee.

But that didn't stop these preteens from staring at our boobs. One of the more confident boys walked over to us.

He had one of those large singlets boys liked to wear those one that they thought would show off their abs. But for this boys case; his non-existent abs.

He had a blue beanie on that didn't at all go with his black curry mess of hair. His black jeans were practically down to his knees showing his very obviously tighty-whities.

"Hey baby." He did a horrible wink that looked like he was having a seizure. "How you doing?"

"Are you trying out for a 21st century version of friends? Because you aren't going to get it."

He didn't let the insult faze him and he just continued grinning his horrible lop-sided grin at us.

"So can I fancy you two ladies for a movie date to see that new movie?"

"Oh my have they bought a new pooh bear movie out?" I pretended to act so excited.

"I'm sure that you love pooh-bear."

He ignored both mine and Emily's comments and just stared bluntly at our boobs. Boys. Preteen boys.

"Ladies ladies ladies, I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make your Bed Rock. "

Emily and I looked at each other and let the comment sink in. We looked back at the boy who had a look of accomplishment in his eye.

Emily and I just burst out laughing and walked away. I turned to look at him. He had a jaw dropped he obviously thought he had scored.

"Later kid, get better pick up lines and use 'em on girls your own age."

Together me and Emily walked a little while away from the seats where the boys were to a small dainty café.

After ordering a mocha and hot chocolate. Both with extra mash mallows. We sat down on one of the vintage chairs and table set.

"So Emily, what's the plan?"


A young waitress came over and gave us our orders.

"Operation Sam."

Emily took a sip of her mocha. She wiped the foam away from her upper lip. "I don't know." Looked sadly down at her drink while I sipped at mine. "We could make him jealous?"


"Eric. I'm sure Eric will help."


"It'll work trust me."

She sat contemplating and then looked up at me with a big smile on her face.

"Sam is going to hate me." She laughed.

"Yeah but he'll love you."



Ullo smiles. How are yah? Ps I just beat up my brother hahaha :) yay me!!! Anyway hope you like this chapter. And yay I got wifi so I can post. Comment!!! An vote!!! But mainly comment I like to hear what you think. Dedication to every single on of you xx (edited version notice; edited version won't have Ellie being adopted) quick question anyone want to read Sebastian's story? His version of events??? Bye bye xoxoxo Łåürå

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