Chapter thirty five

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Chapter thirty five.

Best friends forever no matter what.

The drive was longer than I expected. Exceptionally long as Damon had put on some head piercing, brain cell killing music. At first I thought he was enjoying it. For about ten minutes I truly did think that. But after another ten minutes of that heart screeching music I gave up and turned the stereo off. "Why did you do that?" He asked glancing away from the road slightly.

"How can you LISTEN to that?"

"But I thought you liked it?"

"And who told you that?"

He looked away from me guiltily obviously realizing he had been tricked. "Phillip." He mumbled while looking out the front window avoiding my glare.

"And you listened to him?"


I rolled my eyes at his pitiful excuse.

"Sorry Ellie."

I laughed showing him that it was no big deal. As we continued on our adventure, with much more appreciative music we just talked.

We talked about my mum, my adoptive parents, Sophie, Sebastian, the twins, Phillip and Alice, the baby twins (River and Rane not to ones that act like babies)school/exams and for extreme originality the weather.

"Here we are."

We pulled up a long driveway and I gaped at the palm trees that lined the road. I turned to Damon with my jaw dropped. "Wow you must be rich!"

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes "yeah something like that." Before my eyes a large beach house came into view. "Oh my god!" Eyes popped open I saw how large this place was. Two stories, a large deck that looked over the sea. Wow.

We parked the car and just as we were about to get out another car pulled up beside us, out came a very pissed off looking Eric. Out of the drivers side came his identical twin. Then from the passenger side was a very familiar looking blond head appeared in my view.

"Oh hell no! I am not doing this Damon!" I glared at Emily's blond curls but my eyes widened in shock as she reached over and kissed Sam's cheek.

"Ellie don't do anything stu- Ellie where are you going?!"

I burst open the car door and got out and stormed over to Sam. "Samuel freaking Evans! What the hell is wrong with you!"

Fist clenched I glowered at him. Emily looked nervous and Sam shrank back at my out burst. "Ellie, I wanted to tell you sooner."

"What your back with your ex, the one who wants to ruin your best friends life? I don't care that you have history with her but you should know better than to bring that bitch here."

"Ellie, don't blame Sam this is my-"

"Oh shut up Emily!"

Just then a blue mini pulled up. The driver got out and the front and back passengers too. Two of Emily's minions and Sebastian. "Of great what are THEY doing here."

Now if you thought it was I that said that well your wrong. It was Emily. I shot her a look, confused as to why she said that. She looked me in the eye "Ellie can we talk later?" She bit her lip. I looked at Sam, he looked back at me with a steady gaze. His eyes pleading me. "Fine."

She let out a breath of relief. "Emy!!! I so didn't know you were here! Ohmigosh! Yay!" The smell of vanilla invaded my nose as Meg and Blake rushed over to hug their leader. "Oh mi gosh Emily! It was SO tense in that car." Meg exclaimed with the exaggerating action with her hands.

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