Chapter seventeen

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Technology has its pros and cons.

Sebastian and I sat on my bed searching for any information about who my parents are. So far no luck, like every other day.

"Seb I really don't think we're going to find them."

"We will Ellie!"

"We have no leads, no clues as to who they even are, who I even am!"

"Don't give up on me now Ellie. Not now especially since I just got you back."

I felt so guilty right then, why did I have to get with Damon.

I opened my mouth to tell Sebastian what I did but he stopped me by placing his lips on mine. Even though I was drowning in guilt I gave in and kissed him back.

I'm so screwed.

** one months later**

Placing my books in my locker I sighed and shut my eyes. I was so tired.

Me and Sebastian were up till two am trying to find my parents and then for the next two hours I was trying to work out what I was going to do about my current situation. Again.

I miss the days when the only attention I got from boys was from my team.

"Hey Ellie" a voice from my left spoke.

That smirk, I could hear it in his voice.

"What do you want?" I said slamming my locker shut. I swear these things are just around to annoy us, like Damon.

"Just to talk"

"We'll your talking now"

He dropped his voice down to a whisper "I want to know why you walked out on me."

I had successfully avoided him for a month, it wasn't hard he was ignoring me too. Okay Ellie, you knew it was going to happen stick with the plan.

"What? I'm sorry Damon but I have no idea what you are talking about"

I challenged him with a smirk of my own "you must be hallucinating Damon. See you at practice."

I turned and started walking down the long, now full hallway to my next class. "Ellie Love! You know exactly what I'm talking about" his voice roared through the hall and every one turned to look at Damon and me. I jut rolled my eyes and kept walking while replying "what? That your gay?"

His own fault for messing with me, if I had eyes in the back of my head I'm sure he would be furious right now. I laughed to myself while ignoring the few stares I was getting although they were now all staring at Damon.

That should teach him for getting in my pants.


By the end of school rumors had spread.

'Ellie love, yeah you know that girl, she said he was gay.'

'he got with mr Patterson, the PE teacher.'

'I hear he got with your dad'

' he's a prostitute on the run from the cops'

'He only joined the football team to check out all the boys'

So maybe this got a little out of hand and the last rumor has fully creeped out the team.

"Seriously Ellie! You have to kick him what if he rapes us!"

"Yeah I heard that he was planning to next week."

"You guys are all idiots, and very stereotypical. Damon isn't really gay it's just something in said to annoy him but it must've got heard by someone and a rumor spread."

My wattpad mystery boy (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz