Chapter nine: " he can be sub"

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Chapter nine: " he can be sub"

The game. Currently it was 6 all. There was fourteen members in our team in total so we were split seven against seven. Not enough players for an actual game but we were playing for fun well most of us except Sam, Eric, Damon and me. We were here to beat the other. On one team it was Eric and I and on the other it was Sam and Damon. "C'mon Ellie!" Sebastian yelled from the side line as I tried to get the ball off sam. "Man on" Eric yelled I stole the ball off Damon and kicked it to Eric who headed for the goal only to be stopped by Sam but Eric was too quick for Sam and he kicked it back to me. To my left I saw Damon pursing on my every step. Pushing myself I sprinted to the goal. "Almost there Ellie you can do-" Eric got cut off as Damon stole the ball from my feet causing me to trip over within seconds he was at his goal and he had scored. The ref blew the whistle and my eyes were wide open in disbelief. What had just happened? Eric walked over to me "see Ellie, told you he was good" narrowing my eyes at him I said simply "he can be a sub" **** "Really Ellie just sub?" Sam asked me between mouthfuls of pizza. Taking a bite of my own pizza I replied "yip, got a problem with it?" "He could help us win the championships again" "We've won five times already, the team's amazing one boy isn't going to change much no matter how good he is." "Ellie even I have to say it but he is really good." I glared at Sebastian "whatever Seb." My house was the usual after game hangout, the boys would all come over bringing food and drinks and we would all pig out. Today though many of the boys were at a party so it was just Sam, Eric, Sebastian and me, Phillip came down from time to time to steal some pizza and share some details about revenge Sunday. An hour ago I had told the team that I had accepted Damon in the team but only as a reserve. I still don't like him. Now they were all quizzing me why only a sub when he had real potential. I didn't see it, all I saw was a show off. After talking for another hour and Xbox for one more the boys. Sebastian was staying in our guest room and since it was a school night we decided to go to sleep early. "Night Ellie I'm really glad I found you again." Smiling back at Sebastian I turned towards my room. Briefly I checked my wattpad and then settled in bed with Cat next to me. Sighing with delight I closed my eyes and fell into a happy dream sleep. -------A/N------ I liked this chapter I got stuck a few times but I think overall it turned out alright. Hope you liked vote and comment and hey to my new fans :) dedication to XxLondonLoverXx because she's one of my newest fans and she commented on MWMB :) xoxoxo stay sweet. Love you all Laura :) xx

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