Chapter eleven

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8:20 am.

Breakfast the next morning was incredibly awkward. I had gotten up an hour before to have my breakfast before anyone was up. My plan was to leave by eight. Yeah like that was going to work, Sebastian decided that only at 8:15 he would get up. We were both sitting on the couch while he ate his coco pops and he watched the mornings cartoons. All that time I was glaring at him. He knew this to, he had that evil smirk on his face and he just ate slower. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I hissed at Sebastian "Seb we gotta go! I don't wanna be here- oh hey mum"

Putting on a fake smile I said "we're just about to go school, and I'm just waiting patiently for Seb to finish his breakfast that I made him." Beside me Sebastian was nearly choking on his coco pops.

"You? You made them?" He said laughing "I may not have been around for long but I do know one thing you're not patient!" He started laughing even harder when I elbowed him in the ribs, I'm surprised he didn't spill his stupid coco pops. I grabbed onto his elbow and pulled him to his feet "c'mon Seb we've gotta go to school."

"Yay school!" He said sarcastically.

Even though Phillip gave us a ride we were still late thanks to Sebastian who wanted to "go to the park and play on the swings". But when me and Phillip said no he started screaming and he wouldn't stop. So we had to take him to the play ground to play on the swings. He was acting like such a child. When we finally for him back in the car, after he had run away from us and hid in the trees, it was already ten thirty. We were and hour and a half late. Sometimes I hated Sebastian but this morning was the most fun I had had I have had in long time.

"Miss love and mr brown why are you both late?"

"Because Sebastian thought-"

"Miss Love don't blame Sebastian for your mistakes."

We were in the office to get a late pass and the old lady there was flirting with Sebastian again.

"But mrs I didn't do anything!" I protested this was all Sebastian's fault.

I looked at him and again he was oblivious to the old lady's attempts at getting in his pants. Yeah I had to go that far but it was the only way to describe how desperate she was. "Detention miss Love!"

"What?! But I can't I have football practise!"


"But the boys need me to be there!"


"But I didn't do any-"

"Detention miss Love or do I have to spell it out for you?"

I looked at Sebastian for help "Miss I think that Miss Love here doesn't need detention I thinks she has learned her lesson and she won't do it again." Huh? What happened to the little kid who was skipping down the school halls ten minutes ago?

"Very we'll Mr Brown, Miss Love no detention for you."

Huh? What is going on here?



"He wanted to go play in the play ground?"

"Yeah and me and Phillip had to chase him to get him back in the car."

Me and Eric were walking to our lunch spot with the boys and I was telling him all about our mornings adventure.

"This guy could come in handy whenever I'm late."

Laughing I said "if your late, your never late Eric."

"Maybe I'm Sam" he said winking at me making me laugh more.

"Nah your Eric, I've been round you guys to long and I know the difference."

"True dat sistah" he said mimicking a girl causing me to laugh again. Aw Eric was to cute. Have I told you yet? No? Oh well then I suppose I should. Eric has a huge crush on me according to Sam I'm "Eric's perfect girl." Things got a little awkward when I first found out. But we've managed to sort things out. I have to be honest but I like the kid too. But I'd never go there he is a brother to me.

Sitting at our group the first thing I noticed was the eerie science. "What's up guys?" I asked confused.

"Your in my seat"

"Does it have your name on it? No didn't think so."

"Actually Ellie it does."

"Actually Damon it doesn't"

Beside me Sam said "Ellie have a look"

Annoyed I stood up and looked down where I was sitting. 'Damon's seat so move your pretty body.'

"He did it this morning" Harry spoke up.

I took a deep breath and turned around. I walked of to the tree I usually sit at when I want to write "later boys see you at practise."

Damon was going to pay for stealing my boys.


Okay guys important notice!!!! I need ideas for Ellie's revenge!! I need them by tonight because I really wanna write the next chappie!! So comment your ideas or message me. I need them soon. The person with the best idea will be dedicated in the next chapter :) thankies guys

Stay sweet xoxo Laura

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