Chapter thirty two

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Chapter thirty two

Nothing better than clearing your head with some dancing.

"Well so what I am a rock star, I got my rock moves and I don't need you! And guess what I'm having more fun now that we're done I'm gonna show you you... Tonight!" I danced on my bed giving it all with my lungs. I'm actually quite surprised that my voice box hasn't broken yet.

I pretend I was holding an electric guitar and started rocking out to the music that was playing from my iPod dock. Thanking The Lord briefly that no one was home because I must have looked like such an idiot right now. Dressed in a very oversized black t-shirt of Damon's (yes, he stayed one night at left his shirt behind. Long story but let's just say my brother came home early from work, but luckily Damon got out in time thanks to Alice.) bright fluorescent yellow leggings and my bright pink ugg boots. Oh and I had fairy wings in my back.

It was safe to say that I, Elouise Love was on a sugar high.

It wasn't my own fault. They shouldn't have left me at home alone with... Two tubs of strawberry ice cream, a huge bag of m&m's and sour gummy snakes. Don't forget the two 2 liter bottles of coke a cola.

Deciding I could do the running man on a slippery wood floor had to be the best thing ever. NOT! Falling flat on my face I groaned in pain. I let out a breath of defeat and sat up looking around my room wide eyed. Being this alert was very fun, maybe I should eat more sugar every day.

Now that's a great idea! Going on wattpad.

Even I don't know how I got to that conclusion of sugar to wattpad. Blame the sugar.

I got my phone off the charger and unlocked it. I opened up the wattpad app and the familiar orange screen lit up before me. "Ah my husband mr Wattpad, missed me?"

I checked my works, they were coming along smoothly. I decided I would update myself with stories I haven't read in a while. "Nah, That can wait I need to be" I yelled out to myself before whispering "pause for effect."

I glanced cautiously around the room like I was being watched by some spy camera. "Superman!" My voice cut through the music and the silence I the house. Out side I heard dog howling. "I shall join you my pack members, but for now we must wait for thy knight will be here to rescue a fair maiden like my true self."

I sat down on my bed sticking my arms and legs up in the air. "Your a Total freak show Ellie." I told myself off before drifting into a deep sleep letting my arms and legs fall down.


Sebastian's POV

I got home from the party around three in the morning. Shit. Phillip is going to kill me if I wake them all up now. Luckily when I opened the front door Alice was sitting in the kitchen feeding the two little horrors. "Morning Sebastian" she smirked at my appearance.

I groaned a headache was already making itself home in my brain. "Hi Alice how was your dinner at your parents?"

"Like you care"

"Your right I don't."

She smiled at me. "Go to bed Sebastian, I'll make sure no one wakes you."

I grunted a quick thanks and made my way dizzily up the moving stairs. After reaching the top I walked a few meters and then gave up. I opened the door closest to me not even caring if it was Phillips. I needed a bed now.

I trudged for and heard her sweet voice break through the darkness as I closed the door. "Huh? Who's there?" She sounded so tired.

"Just me El."

"Oh you ."

"Mind if I join you, it seems I have misplaced my room." In the dim lift of the room I could she Ellie's face breaking as she tried to resist the puppy dog look I was giving her. "Oh fine."

I clapped my hands and jumped in the bed beside her. "You know that this is practically confirming the rumors of us cheating on our other halves."

"Yeah I know, but Ellie, it's only cheating if we get caught."

"Shut up seb. Your drunk just go to sleep."

"Just one kiss El, that's all I need."

"No Sebastian."

"Awh c'mon El's just one." I leaned over and pinned her against the mattress.

"Sebastian get off me!"

The sober part of me recognized the fear in her voice and eyes but the drunk part had taken full control. I got on top of her my legs on either sides of her hips.

"Please Sebastian stop!" There were now tears forming in the corners of her eyes. My heart tugged at me to stop and ask for her forgiveness and to wipe away those tears that were falling down her cheeks.

"Sebastian!" She stared at me wide eyed as I sat on top of her utterly frozen. "Seb?"

I had released the tension I had on her wrists and she slipped one if her hands out. "Sebastian?" Her hand touched my cheek and I blinked out of my frozen state. "Oh god Ellie. I'm so sorry."

She looked into my eyes and nodded. "It's okay teddy. No harm done just a drunken mistake."

She still looked frightened and I got off her and stood by her bed. "I'm going now. Goodnight Ellie. I'm sorry. "

I fled the room just as some tears slipped down my face. I had just hurt my best friend who's boyfriend is also my best friend.

What the hell is wrong with me!?


A/N: I know I know bad Laura. Stop making the chapters so short. :(. This one i suppose was a filler. You see I'm kinda still debating on what is to happen next. So any way. I have a new cover... Just decided to experiment and see. So what do you think should it stay this new one I made or the other one by XxchocolateluverXx??? Oh and who should Ellie end up with hmm?? Damon orrrr Sebastian????? Good night or day or ice cream wherever you are xoxo

-------------> banner on side by this_crazy_reader thanks it looks sooo cool!! Xxx


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