Chapter twenty two

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Unexpected things in unexpected places.

"Aw this one is so cute" Alice cooed at the t-shirt for new borns. "'Mummy's little angel daddy's little devil' it's adorable"

"How about this one 'my Aunty is awesome' or 'I'm a ninja everyone got a surprise'. "

She laughed and continued looking after telling me to buy both. I was out baby stuff shopping with the five month pregnant Alice and so far we had a pure white cot and a pram and many unisex clothes since we didn't know the gender yet. Tomorrow we would though.

Walking up to the counter I paid for the two shirts smiling politely at the lady at the counter who looked at the shirts and my flat stomach oddly "stare all you want but I'm not pregnant, my future sister in law is though"

"Oh... Congrats on being an Aunty then." She smiled but I'm pretty sure it was forced. Turning to find Alice walking out the door. I got suspicious and followed her out to a food court. Shaking my head in joined her at the line for pizza. She smile brightly at me and held up her bags of clothing and toys, this kid was going to be spoiled.

"Hi what can I get you?" The seventeen year old girl at the counter forced a smile but her deceiving eyes judged Alice's baby bump but that went unnoticed by the future mum. People these days.

"Hi" Alice chirped enthusiastically "I'll have a cheese stuffed crust pepperoni with extra cheese, sardines, marshmallows, and peppers."

The girls eyes bulged "uhm sorry but I don't thinks so"

"Listen chick! I saw you look at my stomach so you obviously know I'm pregnant but if you don't get me what I want right now the bigger problem than struggling to walk around in my jeans anymore and that my not friend is an angry Pregnant lady who wants to eat and a girl who is too stuck up to get it for her. I may be a little bit slower than before but I could still beat you in a fight."

The girl now extremely pale backed away and ran off to the kitchen. Me and Alice sat down at a booth and I looked her straight in the eyes "remind me never to piss you off!"

She rolled her eyes and laughed "hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, especially if she is pregnant and wants pizza."

We laughed and talked and suggested baby names until her pizza came, she forced me to try some and surprisingly it was pretty good.

"Ellie?" A voice from my left asked turning I saw my birth mother.

"Mum, hi" she smiled when I said mum and out of the corner of my eye I saw Alice piecing together everything.

"Alice this is my birth mother Jazmine Hannah, Jazmine this is my brothers girlfriend who he knocked up Alice. "

"Hi nice to meet you" Alice beamed at jazmine. At first it was pretty uncomfortable with not knowing what to talk about but soon for the next hour we all sat talking. Alice told her about being a councilor, I talked about school, football and the boys in the team. But my mother never really talked about much. She seemed distant, she kept looking around with fear in her eyes.

I wounded what life she was really living.


Short but sweet. Still need baby names people.

Here are some options.














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