Chapter thirteen

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I was back to being Burnett now, after three days of showering every three hours. Unfortunately though the whole football team, my mother, brother and Sebastian all took my pink days as an opportunity to take a whole album full of pictures.

You may have noticed that I haven't been mentioning my father since his little out burst well that's because he had decided that being at a bar is much better than being at home with his family. Like he was ever around any way at least my mum is making an effort.

School has been the same very uninteresting the only thing of importance is the football practices and the game we have tomorrow.

Currently I was sitting watching the boys practise and advising them on their tactics. "Eric you need to work on your striking, Sam and harry keep your eyes on the ball not the cheerleaders!"

"You make quite a coach Ellie." Sebastian commented as he brought over my hot chocolate that he bought from the cafe at school. "I try my best, Sam! What did I say about the cheerleaders! Fifty push-ups"

"Aw c'mon Ellie you cant blame me look at 'em though" with one look from me Sam was down onto the ground ad starting his push-up, for him fifty wasn't much but he knew better than messing with me.

"Hey Ellie can you come help me shoot?" Eric yelled from across the field dressed in my black football shorts and a lime green sports top I sprinted over to Eric. We were practising for a bit when a voice from behind me spoke up "need any help?"

"You have a habit of sneaking up on people don't you?" I asked Damon.

"You betcha" he said matching my smirk.






"Eric!" Eric yelled.

Turning to him I just gave him a look that said 'what?' Then I just burst out laughing, the wonders of having a best friend who was so humorous. I loved this kid. Obviously as a friend! Don't get any ideas about anything more.

Shaking my head at Eric he looked at me innocently asking what. Rolling my eyes I yelled out to the team "home time boys see you tomorrow."

They all walked past me saying bye and when I turned to pack up the gear I saw it had already been done and Damon was just locking up the shed containing the sports gear.

He walked over to me and gave me the key for the shed "sorry I had to get it out of your bag but yeah I couldn't let you pick up everything yourself"

Smiling back at him I replied "thanks Damon I really appreciate it"

I turned to walk over to the changing rooms when he called out to me "Ellie, I'm sorry about the pranks the I turned on you I just really didn't wanna go home smelling and with pink hair, I'm glad you got all the dye out."

"Thanks Damon and I'm sorry too I was the one who was going to so the pranks after all."


"Oh no the wars only just beginning" I replied smirking evilly back at him.

"Bye Damon see you tomorrow."

I left him there speechless with his eyes wide open if he thought we were going to be friends he was wrong. This wasn't over he still stole my boys. If there's one thing I learned from my brother that was that you never forgive easily.

Let the games begin.

---- A/N---

Hey guys :)

Well I'm glad to welcome a new fan :) she commented on my last chapter and her book is amazing read it!!!

Lets give a warm welcome to...... Roseslover1 :) welcome love.

Now I have an announcement my lucky little fans currently my phone can't find service and its annoying the hell out of me so that means I can't text my boyfriend , I'm sowwy Alex :( .

So this means all you lucky people get my attention!!! Woo so how many chapters would you guys like? Hmmm 1, 2, or 3???!!! Or more?? Now comment!!!! And tell me what has been your fave chap so far?? Xoxoxo love you guys your so amazing!!! VOTE COMMENT and FAN

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