Chapter 17 - Spoiled Brat's and one HUGE Mistake.

Start from the beginning

"Dublin." I answered simply.

"Is there any hotel's near you're house? So we could hang out?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Oh Wait! You guys could stay at my house! Ciara's already staying in my house til the end of summer." I added

"YAY!" Caitlyn squealed. She jumped up and hugged me. I giggled. Me and Caitlyn got on really well, We're very alike. Me, Her and Ciara are like Best Friends now, Practically sister's.

"What about Pattie and Scooter?" Ryan asked.

"Well, Me, Ciara and Cait could share my bedroom, You, Justin and Chris could share one of the guest rooms, Pattie could stay in Amber's room, She's staying with Nicole til the end of summer and Scooter could take the other guest room." I explained in a rush. Cait squealed again. I giggled.

"Great, Lemmie text my mom." Justin smiled.

"Same." I giggled. What is up with my giggling today?

Hey Mom! Can a few friends stay Wi us for Dih summer? And they're Parents..Well Justin's mom, Pattie and his manager Scooter. Please Mom? Jus Remeber, I Luv Yhuu:D

That should work. Putting the 'Jus Remeber I Luv Yhuu' In the end, It'll make her crack. >.<


Sure Hun.

She didnt even ask about the manager thing? Ah Well.

I smiled. "She said yes!" I squealed.

"So did my mom!" Justin grinned.

"EEEP!" Me, Cait and Ciara squealed. "OKAY! EVERYONE WE HAVE TO GET PACKING. WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW MORNING." I announced. We all rushed off to pack.

Once I was done, I decided to go over to the guys tent, Since Ciara and Cait were STILL packing.

I looked down, My shoe lace was un-tied. I bent down to tie it. Suddenly something brushed along my ass. I shot up. But no one was there.

"Hello?" I called out. No answer.

"Guys, If this is you, It's not funny." Still nothing. Creepy.

"This isn't funny anymore." Suddenly to long arms wrapped around my waist. I yelped. Justin. He chuckled.

"Sorry if I scared you." He apologised. I turned around so I was facing him.

"It's fine, just don't do it again." I muttered.

He pulled my closer and leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. They moved in sync. I put my arms around his neck, Pressing myself into him. I shouldn't be doing this, I hate him.

I felt a 'buldge' press into my thigh. I smirked. He nibbled on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I decided to tease him. So I didn't let him in. He grabbed my ass, I gasped. He used the advantage of my mouth being open and slid his tongue in it. His tongue explored my mouth, and soon mine explored his. He moaned. I chuckled. I had to keep reminding myself that we were outside...Nobody could see us, But still....

"Hey Justi-" Ryan started but was cut off when he saw us. We tore apart.

"Way to get some man!" Ryan exclaimed. He high fived Justin. I blushed.

"Uh..." I looked down at his 'buldge'. He blushed. I started chuckling.

"Better get rid of that." I muttered.

Never Let you Go &lt;3 A Justin Bieber LovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now