
"And don't you have a daughter too?"

"Yep, Dylan."

"But that's a boy name..."

"And?" I snapped.

"Oh im sorry, i was just saying."

"I dont care honestly."

She grabbed her purse and walked out. "Have a good day."

"You too." I mumbled as she slammed the door.

I put my utensils up and got my stuff together. Bout a hour later manager came to my room.

"Hey Justin, how ya doin?" She smiled.

"How you doin?" I asked.

"Good, good. So, cut to the chase. One of your clients was displeased. Said you cursed them out. So, what happened with that?"

"Ion feel like explainin, jus play the tapes. Cause i know you seen them badass kids and her loud ass was there actin up right along with em."

"First off you need to calm down." She said.

"So what we finna do?"

"Stay home for the rest of the week. We can let some others come in. Bye.

I got my already packed stuff and left. By the time i got home it was 7:15. i took a real quick shower and got ready. Booy i one fine ass nigga. So conceited too. I grabbed my phone and keys and went to Jared basketball game. I paid then got some food and went in. I went to the end, seeing Celeste sitting by herself. I aint sit with her but i sat near her.

"You didn't get me anything?" She asked.

"You ain't tell me to." I mumbled.

As I was watching the game Brittney came up to me.

"I didn't know you was talking about this game. Which one your son?" She smiled.


"Oh, my daughter is a cheerleader for the school. She's over there with the black ribbon."

"She look like she's 20."

She laughed a little. "Yea i know, she only 17."

"Oh okay."

"Can i sit with you?"


She sat down, talking her ass off the whole game. I sighed. "Brittney be quiet please."

She shut up and sat back, watching her daughter.

After the game was over we all waited for Justin to get out the locker room. When he did we did the usual and took pictures. Avianna skipped up and smiled, huggin on Jared.

Jared P.O.V

"Glad you could make it pops." I smiled, hugging him.

"What about me?" Ma asked.

"Well im used ta you, you always come ta my games." I laughed a lil.

"Mhm, okay."

Avianna skipped up hugging and kissing on me.

"Awww, y'all are so cute." Ma said, takin pictures.

I smiled. "Thanks."

Avianna greeted everybody then this lady walked up with one of the cheerleaders on the opposite team.

"Everybody this Brittney and her daughter Brianna. Brittney and Brianna this is my son Jared, his bestfriend Wayne, his girl Avianna, and my friend Celeste."

"Hey everybody." They smiled.

"Jared maybe you and Brianna can hang out. Im sure she gone be around a lot and yall the same age." Ms.Brittney said.

"Maybe not. He's gonna be with me." Avianna smiled, pulling me closer.

"Im sorry. If she wanna hang out we can hang out." I said.

"Thankyou." Brianna smiled.

"Mhm, you welcome." I smiled a little.

"Jared can we go outside? Its getting a little warm." Avianna said.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

"You gonna do that in my face? Smile at each other and shit."

"Stop trippin, i was jus bein polite. Called manners."

"Hey Avianna." Some nigga walked up smiling huggin on her.

"Hey Michael, yall had a great game tonight." She said.

"Thankyou, yall did yall lil thing too."

"I mean, we tried." She smiled.

"Right, ima see you at the movies tomorrow though." He sent a smile and was on his way; looking back at her as he walked away.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Being polite." She smiled.

"Alright Avianna. Ain't nobody stuntin yo ass. Since you bein so polite talk to his ass tonight on the phone. Do that." I said.

She pulled out her phone and looked thru it then put it back up.

"Jus checking to see if i still have his number, and I do, so were good." She said.

"I fuckin hate females like you man. Shit not cute at all. Stop hittin my ass up." I did before trying to go back in the gym.

"I will. You free to Brianna now."

"I want even finna talk to her!"

"Stop raising your voice. And i honestly wouldn't care if you talked to her or not."

"But y."

"Um, sorry to interrupt. But Jared your parents wanted me to come get yall. We were all going out to eat." Brianna said.

"No you weren't interrupting anything, were done with." Avianna smiled, going back into the gym.

Why the hell she gotta act like that.

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