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Justin P.O.V

"Serena you got Dylan's bag?" I asked.


"Why?" I asked.

"She has two hands.. Why I gotta carry it?" She said.

"Cause I told you to. Now go get the damn bag." I snapped.

She rolled her eyes and got out the car and went back in the building.

"When are you and mommy getting back together? I don't like that lady." Dylan asked.

"I don't know. Mommy looks really happy right now and I'm not tryna ness that up."

"But she says all the time how she wants you back."

"Well, we'll see what happens." I sighed as Serena put Dylan's bag in the car then got in herself.

"You're welcome." She snapped at Dylan, rolling her eyes again.


"Let's go back to the hotel."

"No, we didn't go to the Aquarium yet daddy."

"She right. We didn't." I told Serena.

"If you don't go back to the hotel right now I swear im calling Johnny and he can get me."
"Well call him. We'll meet you there. My daughter wanna go to the Aquarium so we going to the Aquarium. No if, ands, or buts about it. Now if you wanna wait on Johnny then get out."

She rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat.

"That's what I thought. Anyway, baby you wanna do something after the aquarium too?" I asked, smiling.

"Planetarium, then the mall and maybe a movie?"

"Planetarium, the mall and maybe a movie it is then." I started driving to the Aquarium.

Celeste P.O.V

"Oooo who bought hot wings?" I asked, eating some.

"Not me." Kev said.

"Jared must've went out last night." I looked at my keys. "Yeah he did, I left my keys on the right side of the counter. Now their on the left."


"Aw, speechless huh? I tend to have that effect on people." I smirked.

"Have it all the time on me."

"Oh you flatter me." I blushed.

"So, I gotta question.." He said.

'Here it comes ❤' I thought. "Yes?"

"Why did you and Justin break up?" He asked.

"What?" I thought he was gonna ask me out, I didn't know he'd ask me that.

"Why did you and Justin break up?" He asked again.

"Why? Why do you need to know that?" I asked.

"Cause I wanna know. If I'm gonna be with you I need to know some stuff so-"

"So what? So you can use it against me in a argument or something? That information is irrelevant to you."

"Well we can't be together unless I know that."

I laughed a little. "Okay, that information is still not your business. "

"Well let's go back to Massachusetts damnit. I don't wanna be here with you."

"Well you can leave than. But I'm staying." I said.

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