Chapter 20

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Here's a new chapter, enjoy lovelies ❤️
I couldn't hit the target and I didn't know if it was because of the thought that occupied my mind at this very moment or because of the lack of practice.

I gave up and fell to the ground in a heap. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on my knees, Icould hear a beetle blade near by.

All I could think about was Newt and Gally. They weren't ever going to be ok and it bugged me because this was the Creators fault.

I grabbed my bow and an arrow angrily, snatching it from where it was rested and aimed it directly at the moving beetle blade, I heard the usual twang sound of the string and heard the arrow wedge itself in the beetle blade.

Without even thinking I stalked angrily towards the beetle blade, gripping tightly between my fingers and tugged at the arrow. I threw down the arrow and gripped the beetle blade as tight as my hand would let me before throwing it harshly at a tree.

A satisfying crunch sounded when the beetle blade hit a tree, shattering to tiny metal pieces. My anger morphed into sadness as I fought to keep back choked sobs.

As well as being angry at the creators I was angry at myself, if I had stayed Newt wouldn't have jumped but Gally would have died. If I had stopped Gally none of this would have happened and if I hadn't of come up in the shucking box the glade would be normal.

I got up and retrieved my arrows and picked up my bow, walking out of the deadheads and into the room I shared with Newt. I flopped onto my bed and buried my head in the pillow.


We were being examined, women examining my tiny body. Cleaning me up taking my blood, placing things on my head and watching my brain on a screen.

After they had finished I was passed white clothes to put on. We were then moved into another room, I stuck with the girl who had called herself Teresa. We sat next to each other and soon the younger version of Newt found me and sat next to me.

"What's going on?" He asked.

I didn't answer so I must've shrugged. A man walked in, his face resembling a rat.

"Hello children and welcome to WICKED, you are here because you are hope. Hope that humanity isn't completely lost. There is something in you that makes you different-immune if you will, to the disease currently affecting millions. We are fighting to find a cure to the disease called the flare and all of you are the starting point"

He continued, "we will monitor you for years to come thanks to this small device that has been planted in your brain" he holds up the small device which is hard to see when your seated near the back of the room.

"It monitors your brain patterns, that's all I have to say for now so please could you all quietly split yourselves into girls on this side of the room and boys in the other" he points to the left where all the girls mill around while waiting for the boys to move to the right.

"We will split you into your separate dorm rooms, "ahh, Rose, Teresa, Rachel, Harriet and Marie. You're in dorm room one"

I look at Teresa and then at Newt who hadn't taken his eyes off me. I give him a small wave before following another adult dressed in white out of the room.



"What do you want Minho" I groan annoyed at his nagging,

"It's lunch, and Newt is wondering where you are". I sigh and sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm guessing you visited Newt" I say, he nods his head.

"I've never hated the shucking Maze this much"

"Don't blame you there" I agree,

"Have you been... Crying?" Minho suddenly asks.

"Why?" I reply defensively

Minho drops the subject, probably thanks to my tone. He gets up, "see you at lunch" he waves and walks out.

I swing my legs over the bed and get up. I walk into Newt's room and sit down on a chair.

"Hey Newt" I greet him.

"Hey Rose" he furrows his eyebrows

"are you ok?" He asks. "

You've been crying haven't you"

I knew he would be able to tell straight away.

"Yeah, I have" I admit.

Newt moves over, pulls away the covers and pats the bed, I walk over and climb in. He wraps his arms around me.

"Why were you crying?" He asks

"Because of you"

"Why cry for me, I'm not dead" he says,

"But you could have been, if that vine hadn't of caught you, you would be in the deadheads. Six feet under"

He didn't answer to that. He looked away and hugged me tighter,

"I know and sorry won't fix it, I shouldn't have bloody done it but I didn't know what to do when you were in the Maze, I thought you were....." He trailed off, he was going to say dead.

I lay my head on Newt's chest and he placed his head gently on top of mine.

Tears fell from my eyes and I couldn't stop them, I couldn't lose him and he couldn't lose me.

"I wish I could take back my actions, I didn't think when I followed Gally into the Maze and feels like I shouldn't have made out or that this is just a dream" I shake my head slowly.

"You saved him Rose, I don't know what you went through but hopefully that never happens again" he soothes.

"The reality of what happened hasn't hit me yet" I pause, "maybe I should get you something to eat" I say getting up.

" I'll be right back"'I tell him.

"Stay where you are- um, forget I said that" I feel my cheeks flush as I rush from the room but not before hearing Newt chuckle It was the first time he laughed since the incident and that made me happy, not just because he was laughing but it was a step closer to him, healing.

I walked back in with Newt's lunch and place it on his lap once he sat up.

"Where's yours?" He questions.

"I ate an apple on the way here" I smile.

Newt examines my face to see if I was lying, he looked extremely cute squinting his eyes. I plastered a smile on my face before he turned to his food.

"You took awhile and Alby visited in that time" Newt said while picking at his food.

I hadn't seen Alby for awhile but I guess not even Minho the King of sass felt himself either, no one has.

"Rose? Are you ok?" Newt asks once again. I look at him, my eyebrows raised,

"me? Yeah I'm fine I was just thinking" Newt nods before taking another bite of his food. Clint walked into the room and looks at us both,

"I talked to Alby, Newt we're testing you on crutches tomorrow.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now