Chapter 44: Drunk.

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"Bitch! " I snarl. "C'mon, let's get the fuck out of here." I grunt, pushing in the knice once more. I grab Kalen and put him on my back. I grab his bags and walk out. Leaving Madge there tto cry on the wooden floor.


We walked back to mine, Cato carrying Hayzelle's bags. I feed them all and gave Kalen a bubble bath. Which of course he never had. He giggled at the bubbles. The girls took a shower and Hayzelle and I had a little chat. We- and Cato- have decided that Hayzelle shall take coustity of the kids, but I'll have them a few nights a week. Like sharing. Cato even offered them his house. Which they greatly accepted.

Hayzelle and Izabelle have moved in all ready. But Kalen and Roni stayed in the bunkbed room.

Kalen ended up falling asleep on my shoulder downstairs. But before that, he asked if Cato and I were having a baby over what Madge said. He insisted I was having one.

That night wher Reese, Kalen and Roni were all asleep, I was awake crying to Cato.

"Why doesn't she love me?" I cried. "Why not? I never was cruel to her! What did I di to mame her hate me so much? "

Cato tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. He wipes my face gently and pulls me into a hug

He rubs my back in a soothing motion. "Shh Clo. It's okay baby girl. It's alrighy. I'm here. I'm here." Cato soothed.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes angrily. " Thanks for just being here. " I choke.

"I'm your boyfriend. I'll always be here for you. Always. I love you." Cato whispers.

"I love you too. " I tell him and then we hug until we fall asleep. Which is pretty late because I was cryimg so much


14 October 3113


I was pretty pissed over crying. Maybe over my mother hating me, mostly over the fact that Roni was hurt. Kalen could have been hurt eventually. Cato was nervous. I could tell by the way hw was gripping my hand. His hand was sweating rapidly.

Mason wasn't that bad. He's a really nice guy. He's almost like my father. He used to give me knives for my birthday and gave me a few sword lessons. He's not as good as Cato though. For yhe the head peace keeper of region one, he really is sound.

He was my father's best mate. They went to school together and even though they embarked on different careers, they still stayed mates.

I squeeze Cato's hand reassuringly. He turns to me and smiles slightly.

We arrive at Mason's mansion and Hayzelle knocks loudly on the door. And then she opens it, Avery Byrd. Practically my older sister and Mason's oldest daughter. Her green eyes twinkle withat unusual glint and her curly blond hair is pulled into a ponytail. Her skin and shape is flawless and she slightly reminds me of Glimmer. Just prettier and kinder.

"Clover?" Avery questions. I nod my head as her eyes widen with recognisation. She squeaks and pulls me into a warm hug. "Oh Clover! I thought I'd never see you again! Philip was so sick I couldn't get to see you after reaping or even at the district winner's ball! I'm so sorry Clover!" Avery sobs.

She's 25 and since her father is working constantly, she takes care of her siblings; Marcus, Sienna and baby Philip. Her mother was murdered. I always envied her.

"Avery it's ok! Look who else is here! Kalen and Roni!" I smile. She releases me and hugs them, along with Hayzelle.

"No Izabelle?" Avery asks.

Our Burning Love-A Clato Love/Survival Story <3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon