"Okay the party starts in an hour so lets go ahead and head down there." She said and I nodded. I rode my skateboard half of the way and she rode it the other half. We found out a lot about each other and ended up talking a lot on the way there.  It was around nine when we got there, I then realized how long I had been out. We came to this big house, it wasn't close to the beach though. There were people in the front yard dancing around drinking and people going in and out of the front door. McKenna smiled and motioned for me to follow her. I could smell the beer and hear the loud music booming through the house.  There must have been a hundred people here, maybe more, because I nearly suffocated just trying to get through the door.

People were dancing and drinking and just having a good time. This is exactly what I need, just to forget about everything. McKenna handed me a drink and I drank while we danced. And I was having a great time. Just like "Who's Austin?" I was so happy at the moment, just partying. Until I saw him... it was Jake. What did I ever do to deserve this? I looked at him and he stared at me with a smirk. How is it that he ended up here with me on this very night? I really hate when this happens, but all of the memories flooded back. I almost cried remembering the time he beat me for an hour straight. "Taylor you okay?" McKenna asked and I looked over to her. "Oh yeah... just thinking." I replied and took another sip of my drink. I started to get a bit tipsy, though McKenna had barely drank anything all night so she was fine. I looked over tow here Jake was standing but he wasn't there. "I need to use the bathroom." I said as I took the last sip of my fourth drink. I felt very dizzy and my surroundings were fuzzy. I ignored it and looked for the bathroom. I walked down the hall having to use the wall to balance myself.

"Long time, no see. Huh, Taylor." A deep voice said and I turned around. I took me a minute to realize it was Jake. I suddenly got scared as he neared me. (Jake: Jake) "We had some fun times." He whispered and he looked me in the eyes. I tried to get passed him. I was lucky there were some people in the hallway. He grabbed my wrist. "Are those bruises still healing?" He asked with a chuckle. "Let go of me Jake." I said and a tear escaped my cheek. I was pretty much sober now. "Why... don't you wanna catch up?" He asked with a smirk, I shook my head. "Taylor?" I heard McKenna's voice echo through the halls. I couldn't move I was so scared, his grip was tightening on my wrist making my hand numb. "Hey dude what do you think your doing!" She yelled once she spotted me. She kicked Jake in the stomach and he doubled over in pain. We quickly walked out of the hall back to the party. She asked me if I was alright and I said I was fine. I explained how Jake was just an old friend. I drank more and more, Jake had left a couple of minutes ago so now I can just have a good time.


I watched as she ran down the street. I don't know where she is going but I just hope she's safe. I decided not to follow her, she really needs her space at the moment. Still, the other guys were extremely confused. I really just wish you wouldn't have left her phone though... Anyways I spent all day thinking about it... and I do have feeling for her. Strong feelings, and I knew this all along I just didn't want to admit it. I just feel so bad, I must be a terrible friend. But you cant control who you like and don't like.

It was around ten and she still wasn't back. Austin has been cooped up in his room all day and the other guys went to sleep because they swam all day. I stayed up to wait for Taylor. My eyes slowly started to close as I sat on the couch. I was about to fall asleep when I heard the front door open. I shot up and ran in the kitchen where Taylor was standing. She was wearing different clothes and looked very... well just not herself. She stumbled around as I ran to her side, balancing her. "Are you drunk?" I asked with a sigh. "What would make you think that?" She said with a giggle, she started leaning to the left and I pulled her back up with a chuckle. I didn't want to wake anyone, especially Austin. "Can you be quiet while I take you upstairs?" I asked like I was talking to a two year old, she giggled and nodded. "Where's the cat?" She asked and I laughed, I carried her up the stairs and her eyelids dropped. I brought her to my room and closed the door then set her down gently on the bed.

She opened her eyes and I got out a shirt and some basketball shorts. They will be way to big for her, but oh well. "Taylor put this on." I said tossing them to her. She groaned and stumbled off the bed. I turned as she changed, I heard her fall but she got back up. The bed squeaked as she jumped on it. I turned around and saw her in my clothes. How am I supposed to do this? "ALEX!" She yelled and I quickly put my hand over her mouth. She licked my hand and I pulled my hand away wiping it on my shirt. She laughed and leaned back on the headboard.

I don't want them to think anything happened, if she sleeps in here. But I cant exactly let her sleep on her own while she's drunk. I sighed and hopped on the bed. She put her hand on my head. "I like your hair... its fluffy." She said and I laughed. "Thanks." I replied and she smiled. "I had an amazing time tonight!" She said as I lied down. I kept the lamp on as I tried to get her to calm down. "What would you do if I kissed you?" She asked with a giggle and my heart stopped, I didn't respond I just watched her. She sat up and leaned in... I cant just pass this offer up. Plus she wont remember and what Austin doesn't know wont hurt him.

I leaned in too and soon her soft lips touched mine. She deepened the kiss and I pulled her on top of me. We continued to kiss as she ran her hands through my hair. She let out a small giggle and we continued kissing. "I... love.. you..." She said and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Austin." She said and I sighed, I will never be the one she loves. I was about to pull back but she continued kissing me. "Alex- What the heck!" I pushed Taylor on the other side of the bed and jumped up as I saw Austin standing at the door. He looked at me with anger and jealousy in his eyes as he sobbed. "How could you?" He asked me and I instantly regretted taking advantage of her. It was not worth it to hurt my best friend. "Austin its not what it looks like ju-" I started but he cut me off by punching the wall. "God why me!" He yelled and I started walking towards him. Taylor just watched us with wide eyes. "Dude just let me-" I tried again but he cut me off again. "Save it! Just leave me alone!" He said with venom in his voice. I could hear the other guys get up and he told them the same thing he just told me. I heard his door slam and I shut mine. I sighed and walked back to the bed.

"What happened?" Taylor asked in a soft tone. "Nothing Tay. Just go to sleep okay?" I said and she nodded. I saw tears come out of her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her. "He looked so sad... and heartbroken." She whispered and I whipped her tears. She snuggled into my chest and fell asleep in my arms. I still am confused though... because my feelings for her are still the same. I am in love with her.

*Next morning, still Alex.)

"Where the heck am I!" I woke up and saw Taylor looking around franticly. I stood up and she put her head back on the pillow holding her forehead. "Alex what is going on?" She asked and I sighed. "Well last night you uh- got drunk and came home late. I let you sleep with me because you were being jumpy." I said and she shut her eyes. I didn't want to worry her so I didn't tell her the rest. I walked down to the kitchen to get her some aspirin for her headache. I brought it back and she swallowed it and about five minutes later she got up. She asked what happened to the wall and I said that I broke it by accident. We walked downstairs and that's when the drama started....

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now