Chapter 49

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NOTE: Sorry this chapter is short..

Chapter 49 (Maddie's POV)

Niall and I still sat in the garden. I stole many glances down to the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. I turned to Niall.

"What happened back in the house when Taylor screamed?" I asked.

Niall smiled back at me. "I went upstairs to get the ring ready in my pocket when she walked out of another room. She saw the ring and squealed. I tried to calm her down so you wouldn't get suspicious. That must've looked weird, didn't it?"

I nodded. "A bit."

"Sorry, baby."

Suddenly my phone started to buzz. I pulled it out to answer the phone call. 


Just like her brothers call, Bree was on the other line cheering, and screaming. I winced at the loud sound. I placed it away from my ear, as if it was on speaker phone. Niall chuckled next to me. 

"Oh my god!! You're engaged!!" 

I laughed, "Bree calm down."

She started to take deep breaths. "I'm so happy for you! When can I see the ring?" 

"When I get home?" I suggested. 

"Yes! I'll see you soon, baby doll!" She sung before hanging up.

"Looks like someone's a little happy," Niall said, laughing.

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