Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 (Maddie's POV)

*6 Days Later*

I walked up the stairs from the basement, lugging the ornament box with me. Niall had just gotten the tree set up in the living room. I walked in, setting the heavy box down. He stepped down from the ladder and looked up at the tree. 

"It looks great Ni," I admired. 

He smiled at my approval. Then, we opened the lid of the box and took out the many ornaments. Most were red, green, and white glass balls. We also had strands of tinsel. Among the other decorations were a few personal ones. Niall and I both had child pictures. Mine were of me and my mum, and me in the snow when I was 7. 

Niall's was of him and his brother, Greg. The second picture was of him playing the guitar when he first recieved it. My favorite ornament was a picture one. Except the picture was of Niall and I. It was taken at a party a couple months ago. He was giving me a piggy back ride when the picture was taken. I was smiling, and he was caught in the act of laughing. 

Niall took the ornament and placed it directly in the middle of the tree with a perfect view. We then added each decoration until there wasn't a single one left. Niall took my hand, stepping back to look at our customized tree. It was beautiful. I loved it.

"It looks great. We make a good team," Niall said, kissing my lips. 

The next few hours consisted of watching various Christmas movies, and eating cookies that I had made earlier in the day. 



I awoke to the sweet sound of my boyfriend.

"Baby, wake up."

Slowly, I opened my eyes to peer up at Niall, who hovered over me. 

"Merry Christmas Maddie," he said, leaning down to kiss me. 

I pulled away, smling. "Merry Christmas to you too."

I was eagerly pulled out of our bed by Niall. 

"C'mon, lets open presents!" He cheered.

I giggled as he dragged me out of our room and into the living room. He looked so young. My heart melted. Niall walked me into the room. Wow. The tree was so bright and beautiful. Presents were scattered below it. I had placed my gifts for Niall under it last night. He did the same. We both sat down on the floor I handed him the first gift. He tore open the wrapping paper. Inside were two Snapbacks. His face brightened up. I knew I had gotten a good gift. 

"I love them! Thank you so much Maddie!" 

I was pulled into a warm hug. Niall went through 4 other presents from me, before it was my turn. The first gift was some new prefume and a necklace. I loved them! Niall nervously smiled when I opened the next gift. It was a small box. I popped open the top, and gasped. Niall took the box from me and held it out. 

"I know we're both young...but I can't lose you. You're my world, my rock. I love you so much."

My hand was taken in his as he slid on the promise ring. 

"Someday... will you marry me?" He asked.

I smiled so big. "Of course Niall!"

I engulfed him in a hug, which turned into a make out session. Hands moved around each others bodies feverishly. Niall had me on the ground, leaving kisses everywhere. I moaned when he hit my sweet spot.

"I-I love you," I whispered as he continued to suck.

"I love you too, baby."


Max and Bree came over to our flat about 2 hours later. We all exchanged gifts. Max got Niall a new Xbox game so they spent the morning downstairs. Bree and I sat in the kitchen table eating breakfast. I smiled, looking out the window to see snow falling to the ground. I had showed her the promise ring Niall gave me. She squealed with joy.

"What if you two get married? We'd be like...related!"

After all the fuss about the ring was over, I changed the subject.

"So, are boys out there?" I winked. 

She blushed, looking down. "Well there's this guy. His name is Jake. He's super cute and such a gentleman."

Bree went on and on about the guy she met at work. They're only friends, but she convinced me that he may like her. I was happy for Bree. It must've been pretty annoying to spend an entire summer with Niall and I. 

I admit, we were flirty with each other. Maybe that does get annoying. 


And so Christmas Day went by. Niall and I spoke to my mum for a while. I think she's finally getting used to Niall. I know she really likes him. Any time I go back home to visit her, she asks me if I want to bring Niall. 

We even Skype called Niall's parents. They seemed like such lovely people. He really wanted me to see Greg but he wasn't home at the time. Niall's mum insisted on meeting me soon. 

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