Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 (Maddie's POV)

Bree quickly zipped up my dress. Once she finished, she stood by my side in front of the mirror. Tonight was prom. Earlier today, Bree, Hannah, and I got our hair done at a salon. My usual long wavy hair, was curled. We got ready at my house, and that's where we are now. I completed my makeup when Hannah walked out of the bathroom. 

"Hannah, you look so pretty!" I gushed.

I didn't have a chance to see her dress before today.

"Thank you!" She smiled, twirling aound a bit.

As we applied some finishing touches, I got a text from Niall. It read,

"The lads and I are pulling up right now :) xx"

My heart beat quickened when immediately after that, the doorbell rung. My mum must've opened the door from the sounds coming from downstairs. I grew anxious when I heard the familiar Irish accent, followed by Max, and Jake. This is it. After we finished I spoke up.

"Ready girls?"

They nodded and we nervously made our way out of my room and downstairs. My heels came in a disadvantage when I tried to navigate myself down the steps. The voices were coming the kitchen. Eagerly, we walked into the room. All eyes were on us. Within a second, our mums swarmed us with hugs. 

"You look so beautiful, sweetie!" My mum said between kisses. 

"Thanks mum," I smiled back.

After all the fuss over us was done, the mothers left the kitchen so we could be alone with our dates. Niall rushed up to me.

"You look amazing, Maddie!" He said, taking my hand in his. 

I blushed, "Thank you." 

Niall pulled me into a long and passionate kiss. His lips calmed me. We pulled away and did the traditional corsage thing. It was great. I looked around to see Bree laughing at something Jake had said. Hannah and Max were talkig together, too. 

After about 5 minutes, Bree's, Hannah's, and my mum came back in. 

"Just a couple quick pictures, please?" Mrs Marks asked.

We silently agreed. First were single couple pictures. Niall and I smiled together as my mum snapped many pictures. Next was the group pictures. The mothers quickly got annoyed when all we did were silly faces. 

After all of that, it was time to leave. Niall took my hand as we walked outside. There, in the driveway, was a massive limo. I giggled, pulling Niall towards the limo. We were the first ones in, followed by the rest of the group. The ride was so much fun. We were talking and laughing the entire time. My head laid on Niall's shoulder while we conversed. 


Niall and I walked inside the large reception area. There was a huge dance floor and many dinner tables that surrounded it. Just then, Eleanor and Louis walked up tp us. 

"El, you look so pretty!" I said, giving her a hug. 

"Thanks! And you too!" 

Louis smiled, giving me a hug too. Liam, Danielle, Zayn, and Perrie came up. We talked for a while before deciding to dance. Niall and I walked out to the floor. 

"Finally some alone time with you," he sighed, smiling down on me. 

I leaned up to kiss his lips.

"You really do look amazing, Maddie."

I blushed, "Thank you so much Ni."


As the night went on, it really was how I imagined it. Magical. During dinner, we sat with our limo group. I talked to Bree and she was telling me about her time with Jake. 

"He's so sweet and nice," she cooed.

After we all finished eating, Niall brought me on to the dance floor just as a slow song started playing. 

"This is for all you lovebirds out there!" The DJ called.

I was tucked into Niall's arms as we swayed back and forth to the song. I could stay here, with him, forever. His hands kept a close hold on my waist while I clung to his neck. Niall's head lowered to my ear. 

"I think I'm in love with you."

I looked up, only to crash my lips against his. 

"You're my princess," Niall finished, kissing me again.

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