Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 (Maddie's POV)

*1 Week Later*

"Mum you look so pretty!" I gushed as I looked at my mother in her wedding dress. 

She stood in front of a large mirror, making sure it looked ok. 

"Thank you Madigan. And you look beautiful in your bridesmaid dress."

I nodded a thanks. I sat down on a stool as Susan, Mum's Maid Of Honor, did her hair. I was left with Mary. She was another one of my mothers friends. Mary is a nice women, but she goes on and on about her life. She just doesn't have a mute button. I tried to block out the constant blabber. Even when she finished with my hair, she still talked! Just then, the dressing room door opened, and Niall walked in. I jumped up, springing towards him.

"Thank you," I breathed, clinging to his suit jacket. 

He chuckled, "You look so pretty babe."

I smiled, thanking him again. Niall held out his hand and I gladly accepted it. He led me out of the room. The wedding director suddenly rushed up to us. 

"5 minutes until the ceremony. Please get in your places!"

We nodded as she went into the dressing room, most likely alerting my mum. Niall entwined our fingers and we walked to the doors that would open up to the church. Many people followed after us in pairs. Thankfully, Niall and I were paired together. Everyone got in line. Soon after, my mum joined us. She looked incredibly nervous. 

Niall and I linked arms like everyone else, just as the doors opened. Two couples were in front of us before we walked out. During the trip down the aisle, I couldn't help but think if someday I'd be walking down the aisle to Niall. My fantasy was interrupted when we reached the alter. We parted and Niall made his way to the grooms side as I went to the brides. Then my mother walked down the long aisle. She was beaming. She reached the alter and joined hands with Stephen.


"C'mon, lets dance!" Niall said, nudging his head to the dance floor.

The bride and grooms first dance just ended, and everyone was going to the floor. I nodded, taking his hand. The DJ was playing a fun and upbeat song. I laughed at some of Niall's dance moves. He laughed along while doing the sprinkler. When I looked around, I saw Bree and her family. They sat at one of the dinner tables. I smiled as I walked over to them, followed by Niall. Bree stood up and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" I exclaimed. 

Stevie giggled as she gave me a hug too. I took Bree back to the dance floor. Max and Niall talked as they joined us. We were all dancing to each song that played. It was so much fun. Just then, Lucas walked up to us. I met him briefly before the wedding. He's Stephen's nephew. I then took notice to the song the slow song that was now playing. It was "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran. He smiled at Bree. 

"Would you like to dance?" He asked her. 

Bree blushed, "Sure."

Lucas led her to another part of the dance floor. Max walked off to try and find someone. 

"Would you care to dance with me?" Niall dramatically said, smiling. 

"Of course," I giggled. 

We both grinned as he held my waist. I slid my hands behind his neck. Niall pulled me closer to his body. My head peacefully rested on his chest. I felt Niall's lips kiss my head. I closed my eyes, listening to his heart beat. 

"Do you think that'll be us one day?" 

I looked up as he spoke those words. I glanced to where Niall was gazing. It was my mum and Stephen slow dancing happily. I looked back, smiling at him. 

"I hope."

He lowered his head, sweetly connecting our lips. I hope, I repeated in my head. 

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