Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Maddie's POV)

Harry, Bree, and I talked for quite some time. He got more attractive by the minute. His laugh was so contagious. And don't get me started on his amazing hair.

"Who's this?" Someone coughed from behind. Our heads shot up to see Niall and Max towering over us with a questioning look as to who this male is.

"Um this is Harry," I said. "He lives in that house."

I pointed to the big house that lay next to ours. I was confused to why Niall had an icy stare on Harry. His fist was clenched at his side. Harry stood up, brushing off some sand that stuck to his hands. 

"Hi I'm Harry," he introduced himself, outstretching his arm. My heart fluttered as his strong forearm flexed. Max accepted his gesture, shaking his hand.

"I'm Max."

Niall didn't move, never dropping his stare. 

"And that's Niall," Max added, knowing he wouldn't say it himself. Harry coughed awkwardly.

"Uh, I'll be on my way."

Bree jumped up to grab Harry as he turned away.

"No!" She was even surprised by her forceful action. "I mean, you should play a game of volleyball with us."

Harry's eyes flickered to mine. I nodded in agreement.

"Ok, thanks," Harry said, as his hand reached out to me. I blushed as he hoisted me up from the ground. We walked up to the net, Niall grudgingly trailing behind.

"Harry can be on Maddie and I's team," Bree spoke taking Harry's hand and walking him toawrds our side.


"10-6," Harry called before hitting the volleyball to the other side,

Turns out, he's quite good, earning us 10 points so far. Niall bumped it back. Bree fell down in the action of trying to save the ball. The two boys pounded their fist together before setting another serve. This time, I saved the ball, bumping it past the net. Max acted quickly and pounded the volleyball. Before my reflexes could react, it hit my face. I fell down, clutching my nose in pain.

"Maddie!" Bree gasped.

Suddenly Niall sprinted from the other side, ducking under the net to crouch down next to me.

"I've got her," Niall said to the other 3 people surrounding us. 

Niall's hand touched mine to uncover my throbbing nose. He fisted the sleeve of the light jacket he put on earlier, and held it up to my nose to stop the dripping blood. 

"I'm so sorry Maddie," Max said apologetically.

"It's fine," I whispered, a bit shocked at my rescue from Niall. 

"Here, I'll take her back to the house," Bree offered. 

Niall held my back, helping me to stand up. 

"Bree," he warned coldly. 

She stepped back slightly, shocked at her cousins' harsh tone. Nialll slung his arm around my neck, guiding me back to the house.

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