Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 (Maddie's POV)

For the past 2 weeks, my dad and I have started to fix up our relationship. He's been staying at a hotel about 10 minutes away from my flat. We've taken walks, gone out to eat, and just simply talked together. So far, I've gotten to learn more about the man that I haven't seen in 7 years. 

Dad was right; he really has changed. There's a more happy atmosphere when I'm with him. I also found out that he is dating a women named Patti. It hurt me at first, just because I wish my parents were still together. After really thinking about it, I realized that she may be the reason he was so happy. And that made me happy. 

I made my way from Bree's house to Niall and I's flat. We had been studying for 3 hours. I'm so ready for summer break. All this work is stressful.

In the driveway was an unfamiliar car. I shrugged it off. It's most likely one of Niall's friends who's over. I lugged my backpack up the stairs of the flat and opened the door. There were faint voices coming from the living room. I set my bag on the ground, and placed my keys into the small bowl. Just then, Niall popped out from the living room. He walked up to me with an uneasy smile. 

"Hey babe," he said, wrapping his arm around my waist.


I could sense the worry in his greeting. Niall kissed my lips. 

"You know I love you so much, right?" He weakly smiled.

"What's wrong?" I asked, realizing that he either wanted something, or he did something. 

"Um... my mum may or may not be in the living room right now..." 

I stepped out of his grasp. "What?" I whisper/shouted. 

I turned towards the living room. I couldn't believe this. Yes, I've always wanted to meet his mother, but not like this! I wasn't dressed properly or anything. I started to panic, looking from the room and back to Niall. 

"I'm so sorry, Maddie! I didn't know she was coming! She just kinda..showed up," he whispered back. 

I tried to calm down, but I couldn't. This was Niall's mum for god sake. I wanted to make a good impression, and I was dressed in leggings and a sweater. That was usual studying clothes, not meeting the mother of your boyfriend clothes. 

I gulped when Niall took my hand. He slowly walked into the living room. There, on the couch sat Niall's mum. The lady looked up to us and smiled. She stood up and trailed over to us.

"Maddie! Oh, it's so good to meet you! Niall's told me so much about you."

I was pulled into a tight and warm hug. She had the same lovely Irish accent as Niall. 

"Mum, don't strangle her," Niall said, a chuckle hidden in his voice. 

She let go and I finally spoke. "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs Horan. I apologize for my attire. I just got back from my friends house. We were studying for some classes," I replied with a small smile. 

"Oh it's fine, sweetie. And call me Maura, please."

I politely nodded. I looked down to my feet, still quite embarrassed. Niall must've noticed how uncomfortable I really was. 

"Why don't you go change," he said, flicking his head to our room. 

I quickly nodded, silently thanking him. I exited the living room and rushed into the bedroom, looking for acceptable clothes. 

I ended up picking a dress that reached mid-thigh. The dress wasn't very exposed, so I thought it was good for this occasion. I brushed my hair before returning to the living room. Niall immediately stood up and walked over to me. He took my hand and guided me back to where he previously sat. Mrs Horan smiled at us.

"So Maddie, you're still in school?" She asked, starting a conversation.

"Yes, I'm a senior. I'll be going to Uni next year."

Mrs Horan nodded, "Very nice. What classes do you enjoy the best?" 

"I really like Writing and History," I answered.


"Well I best be getting on the road," Mrs Horan said after our long chat. "It was so nice meeting you, Maddie. And have Niall notify me about your graduation. I'd love to come," She finished, standing up and taking her purse in her hand.

"Of course. I'll talk to you soon, Mrs Horan," I smiled. 

She pulled me into another hug, then turned to her son. 

"Be good to this lovely lady, Niall."

"I will, mum," he promised, smiling down at me and quickly pecking my lips. 

Niall walked his mother to the door and said a goodbye. The door clicked closed and I sighed, sitting down on the sofa. That was the most nerve-racking experience that I've ever been in. Niall walked back in and sat down next me. 

"She loved you," he smiled. "Her last words to me before she left was 'Just propose to her already.'"

I laughed along with him while he leaned down to sweetly kiss my lips. 

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