Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 (Maddie's POV)

Bree and I got out of her car, putting on our backpacks and walking towards the school. I turned to her as she chuckled.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Niall left you a present," she said, laughing. 

My eyebrows creased. "What do you mean?"

Bree pointed to my neck. I stopped in front of a car, and looked at my reflection in the window. On my neck was a hickey that Niall had given me on Friday night. It was still visible. My eyes widened. Of all the days to wear a low cut top. 

"Help me!" I rushed.

Bree still laughed as she dug through her bag. She took out a light jacket. I quickly put it on. 

"Thank you," I breathed.



I sighed, thankful that the day was over. I shut my locker, and clicking the lock closed. My backpack eas slung over my shoulders, and I walked to the exit. I opened the door and walked outside, looking for the buses. Bree wouldn't be able to take me home. She left early because of a doctors appointment. I've been begging my mum for her car, but she refuses. 

My mouth formed a smile as I saw my blond haired lover standing in the parking lot. He was leaning against his car, hands in pockets. He grinned once I noticed him. My pace quickened when I walked towards him. I was embraced in his arms. 

"Hey baby," Niall said.

"Hey! Thanks for picking me up," I replied, looking up to him. 

"No problem. How was school?" He asked.

"Tiring as usual," I laughed.

He chuckled. "Well now I have you all to myself. Wanna go to the park?" 


Niall walked me over to the passengers side of the car. I hopped in and he shut the door, jogging to the other side. He got in and started the engine. 


Our fingers were entwined as we walked through the park. Trees surrounded the path that we walked on. We talked for a long time. 

"Oh, I almost went into school showing this off," I teased, pulling my jacket over to the side to expose the mark he gave me. 

Niall laughed, "Sorry babe."

I put the jacket back in place, giggling. We continued walking and he talked about his job. 

"It's so cool to work for the top of the line music producers. You wouldn't believe how cool the recording room looks," Niall said, smiling. "One day I want to be the one recording music in that room," he added.

I smiled as he told me his dream. I loved how Niall was so passionate. Part of me knew that one day, he really would be the one recording music. When Niall had a goal, he was determined to surpass it. 

We walked over a bridge that looked out over the lake. We stopped to look at it. I peered over the railing, admiring the view. 

"So beautiful," Niall said.

"I know, it's lovely," I agreed.

"No, I mean you."

I turned to him, both of us smiling. I walked into his open arms. 

"I love you Ni."

"Words can't describe how much I love you Maddie."

I believed his words. I knew he would go to great distances to protect me. He cared about me just as much as I did to him. I pulled away to stand on my tip toes and kiss him. He held on to my waist. The light breeze blew my hair back. Our lips moved together perfectly, just like every single time we kissed.

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