Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 (Niall's POV)

The next day was very quiet at the house. A storm had come in during breakfast. Millions of water droplets hit the window by the second. Everyone seemed to be watching movies all day. Maddie and I laid in my bed, watching The Bucket List. Her head rested on my lap. My arm protectively wrapped around her waist. 

During the film, one of the main characters was battling cancer. Maddie's grip tightened around me as doctors confirmed his death to his friend. Tears slowly fell out of her eyes. I lifted Maddie like a baby on to my lap. She buried her head into my shoulder. Small tears fell on to my skin. I held her tightly, never wanting to let her go. 

I thought to tonight. I was to fight Harry. My eyes trailed down to the fragile girl in my arms. I tried to comfort her. It killed me to see her cry. I know she hated the thought of me getting hurt. I came to a painful conclusion.

"I'm not doing it," I abruptly spoke.

She peered up at me, wiping away a tear.


"I'm not fighting Harry," I confirmed. 

Maddie sat up, "Really?"


She hugged me tightly.

"Thank you Niall," Maddie smiled. 

I kissed her head, "Of course."


Maddie and I stood in the hallway outside of her bedroom. 

"Thank you for not fighting, Niall. I would be worried sick about you," she said with a weak smile. 

"I know you would, and I can't do that to you," I replied.

Maddie looked up to me and stood on tip-toes, just reaching my height. She connected her lips with mine. They moved in sync perfectly. Her hands slung together behind my neck. I held her waist firmly. We pulled away, and I gave her one final peck. 

"Good night Maddie," I said.

She smiled. "Night Niall."

Maddie turned the knob to her bedroom and walked in. The door closed and I went back to my room. I got into bed and checked the time. Harry would be expecting me in 15 minutes. I thought about my girlfriend who would be sleeping peacefully tonight. But, Harry. He's the guy that's trying to take her away from me. I have to set him straight. No, I thought. I told Maddie I wouldn't fight. I felt like there was an angel and a devil on my shoulders. I know I shouldn't have, but I gave in to the devil. I'm not a wimp. I need to protect Maddie. I made myself promise that I would fight him for Maddie, not for my own pleasure of wiping the stupid grin off of his face. 

I got out of bed and made sure Max was fully asleep. Then I grabbed my jacket and left the room. The whole house was dark. I quietly made my way down the stairs. I skipped over the third stair that creaked and maneuvered to the front door successfully. I unlocked it, and stepped outside, carefully shutting it behind me. 

I made my way the front of the neighborhood. He was right, there was a forest next to it. There he was, standing with his back against a tree, hands in pockets. 

"Glad to see you came," Harry smirked.

I shuffled closer to him. "Wouldn't miss it."

He stood up straighter.

" Maddie good in bed?"

My eyes widened. My fist clenched by my side. How dare he. 

"You don't know, do you? Hm.. well if you can't answer that, maybe I'll just have to find out myself. I bet she is, though. I wonder what she can do with that mouth of hers. Oh, and those hands!"

I had heard enough. I swung a punch and he stumbled back. 

"Here we go, Horan," he said.

I couldn't dodge his fist quick enough, and it hit my chest. I grunted in pain. I ran up to him and punched his face. God, that felt good. Harry tumbled down. I acted quick and gutted his stomach. He winced but soon got back up. I was thrown to the ground and punched in the face a few times. I wouldn't give up, I thought. Anger boiled up inside of me. I let it out with one mighty punch. Harry stumbled against a tree. I pushed her harshly to the ground. 

"She's mine," I hissed getting up and walking away from his moaning body.

I won.

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