Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 (Maddie's POV)

I spread some peanut butter on to the toast I just made. I was the first one up besides Stevie, who took pleasure in watching Dora The Explorer. I took my breakfast outside. The air was so warm, and inviting. I sat at the outdoor table, taking a bite of my toast. 

"Are you up there Maddie?"

I almost dropped my toast from the voice. I looked over the railing to find Harry. Again.

"You know this place has a door, right?" I joked setting the plate down. 

"I know. I just always seem to find you up there. Can I come up?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, sure," I replied as he jogged up the stairs. 

Harry looked so tall and handsome from where I sat. His curls brushed up so perfectly. He wore joggers and a white t shirt. Harry made his way over to me, sitting down on the opposite chair. 

"So are we still on for tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah! Where are we going?" I questioned.

"It's a surprise," He said leaning forward to bop my nose playfully. 

I giggled, "Fair enough."

Suddenly the back doors opened and Bree and Niall stepped out, carrying plates of waffles. Bree froze.

"Oh, hi Harry!" She smiled.

Niall just stared at us, absorbing the scene. Then he proceeded toawrds us and sat down next to me. Bree fixed her hair and smiled.

"What are you doing here Harry?" She asked with a slight giggle. 

"Uh, just talking to Maddie. I think I'll go now," Harry said standing up. "I'll see you later."

With that, he walked down the patio steps. 

"What was that about? What were you two talking about?" Bree asked quickly. 

"Um well Harry asked me on a date," I whispered, looking down.

"What?" Niall said dropping his fork. "T-to where?" He added, voice getting louder.

I've never been scared of Niall, only annoyed. But now, I was. He rose from his seat, towering over me. 

"I-I dont know," I choked.

His chest rose up and down heavily before pushing past me and storming inside the house. I turned back to a shocked Bree.

"Woah," She breathed.

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