19- A Deal With the Devil, Well, Not Really...

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I finally give up, I have waited almost a month now and still nothing. I can't believe you guys! Here's a picture of Lucas, hope it meets your expectations!

Day 19



My phone went off again, I look at it. It's Zach, I was expecting Lucas. He hasn't called or texted me even once since his last call yesterday, it's a little disappointing. Isn't that what you wanted him to do? For him to just leave you alone so you can forget about him and move on?

-can I come over for lunch?

-sure, we missed you

-be over soon :)

I set my phone down, I want Lucas to call again, I want to have enough strength to answer it this time and tell him we can be friends. But just friends for now, anything more would be too much. It would give him the advantage when his friends come over to get the treasure of Enki, I don't want to have to fight him, but I need to keep the treasure safe.

"Amy! Someone is at the door!" John yells, a couple seconds later the doorbell goes off. I wonder how he knew that, has he been staring out the window the entire day?

"Doorbells were built for a reason!" I yell down to him as I am setting my phone down. My last day with Zach, I will have to make the best of it.

I run downstairs and wrap my arms around Zach, I will miss him so much when he leaves. This is his goodbye, he won't actually say it because he has a slight problem with the word seeming to be too strong, like you are leaving forever. Well, if his plane crashed it would be forever so wouldn't it be better for him to say it before he gets on the plane? Thousands of things could go wrong and he could end up dead.

"We aren't saying goodbye yet." He says in my ear, it reminds me of the first time he whispered in my ear during a hug, everyone thought we were dating and would give us all this crap about how cute we are together. When we told them we aren't dating they would say we should and walk away. It was annoying because new rumors would start almost every week, as soon as we killed the fist one another popped up, so we just stopped caring most the time.

"I know, you will get one equally as long before you leave." I say unwrapping my arms from around his neck.

John almost immediately steals my best friend and drags him off so he can learn more sword play. I order some pizza, I hope this time the pizza guy doesn't end up in his trunk again. I wonder if that guy quit, or remembered what happened. If he remembered he probably wouldn't deliver in this area anymore.

I go and watch Zach and John, John is a fast learner, especially with the sword play. John challenged Zach to a duel, he thinks he can beat the master. I watch as Zach stands ready for him and John gets ready to strike. Just as John is about to stick Zach in the stomach Zach rolls away and John falls into empty air. He quickly gets up and block the strike he knows is coming, because I did the same thing to him.

"Cheater." I hear John say as he and Zach struggle.

"It isn't cheating if you know your opponents moves and use them against him."

"Same thing Amy said." Then Zach stabs John in the chest.

"Don't let your guard down while talking."

"That wasn't fair!" He shouts and goes at Zach with his sword, Zach blocks and disarms him.

"No fighting while you are angry." John huffs and walks away.

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