14- What happened to the basement not having monsters in it?

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Okay, so I don't normally write anything before the chapter but just to make sure you see it I wanted to let you know I posted a picture of Amy on the side------>

Day 14



I woke up to the smell of something good. This can't be right, Amy can't make food smell that good. I get out of my bed and follow the smell to the kitchen. There is a plate sitting on the counter filled with bacon, sausage, biscuit and gravy. This is too good to be true, am I dreaming? Is this all plastic food with artificial smell? I want to reach out and touch it to see if it is real, but fearing it will go away if I do I sit in front of it and smell the wondrous aroma. This definitely has to be a dream.

"Are you going to eat it, or just stare at it all morning?" I didn't see Amy come into the kitchen, how long did she watch me smell the plate?

"Is it real?" I'm almost whimpering.

"Yes, now eat." she leaves the kitchen for a while then comes back in. During the time she was out of the room I was able to finish over half of the food on my plate.

"Do you have more?" I ask through a mouthful of food.

"No, that was the last of it." I savor the last few bites, not wanting to have to go back to Amy's cooking and the heat-up food in the fridge.

"Did you make this?" I ask just making sure.

"No, I went out to IHOP and ate there. I thought you might want me to bring home some leftovers."

"Thank you." I say finishing off the rest. I go and sit in front of the tv, watching anything that had the potential to capture my interest. I eventually lose all interest and go outside. The sun blinds me, and I let out a small hiss. I haven't been outside for a few days, I don't think that is very healthy.

I let my eyes adjust a little and I am able to see my surrounding. I didn't realize how big our yard was, it is big enough to have a whole soccer field on it. The way the trees and shrubs were placed around the small statue of a boy and his mother made it look almost like a maze.

I go back in, welcoming the dim lighting of the house. I feel like a vampire. I go into my room and pick up my pipe sword. Amy comes in with hers and challenges me.

"I was sick before, I am all better now so, I bet you couldn't beat me now." She says sealing the deal, I can't back down from that.

"Living room." I say walking out of my room. She might be able to beat me, I have to guard lower like Zach said. She might not be completely better right now anyway.

"Go." she says right after getting in the ready position. I lunge forward and she dodges me by just stepping to the side. I thought this was about sword work, not footwork. I try roll out of the way just as she is about to strike me, like they do in the movies, but she is faster and stabs at my shoulder with the pipe. She pins me with her pipe sword, not really fair.

"Okay, you win." I knock the sword off my shoulder and get up. I didn't think she would hit me that hard. Is that how hard I hit her yesterday?

"I thought you sucked at this? And that wasn't even real sword fighting, you cheated." I say rubbing my shoulder.

"Being aware of how the other person is going to attack and using it against them isn't cheating." She smirks and pats my head. I will out grow her soon enough, then I will be the one patting her on the head.

"Do you know how to disarm someone?" I ask, even thought she probably already knows how to.

"No, I bet Zach did teach you though. Mind showing me?" She is just being polite, she gives an innocent smile that works one everyone else.

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