18- Just as fake as James Bond

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Double Update! Go back to the last chapter if you haven't already read it!

Day 18



When I woke up I felt the butterflies in my stomach, only an hour before I go to Starbucks to meet James and I tell him my real name. I showered and got dressed, I don't know what to do in the remaining thirty minutes.

I check my phone and put it in my pocket, no new messages. I go down stairs and go into John's room.

"John, I'm leaving soon. I have a date."

"Okay, let me sleep." I walk out of his room, I just need to be able to say I did tell him.

I wait in the living room for a few minutes then I grab my shoes and put them on, too much time to waste, maybe I can just go there now.

"Wait, what? What did you say?" I have to cover my ears John is yelling so loud. He comes running out of his room with his truck pajamas still on.

"I'm going on a date." I think that's what it is.

"I'm coming with you."

"No you aren't."

"I have to approve." He looks like he is begging.

"Megan already did that for me." I pat him on the head and grab the keys for the Ferrari. I can wait at Starbucks for James.

"Wait, please. Let me come."

"Goodbye John." I get in my car and drive out of the driveway fast, if he doesn't see where I go he can't follow me. I slow down once I am out of the neighborhood, no need to get a ticket.

I look at the clock, six forty-five, still awhile to wait. I climb out of the car and walk into Starbucks.

"Sam! Over here!" He's already here? Yes! No waiting alone!

"Hi." I say sitting across from him, I feel all my happiness bubble up inside of me.

"Hey, anything you want?"

"Just a latte." We both look up at the same time and out eyes meet, every time it makes me lose my breath a little.

"Anything new?"

"No, how about you? Do you know how long you get to stay here?"

"Still don't know yet. Maybe when my family goes on a vacation you can come with us some time?" His eyes sparkle and I smile, my stomach does flips when I look into his eyes. I feel so happy around him, he is amazing and wonderful and nice.

"That would be cool, I would just have to get Marcus to approve of it."


"My uncle, he is a police officer. Kind of funny, my dad is an international drug dealer and his brother is a cop."

"Yeah. Have you ever been to the beach?" Never, we don't go on vacations.


"I could take you and you brother, maybe in a few weeks?"

"I would love that." New experience and I get to spend time with James.

"I...uh..." He starts but stops. Perfect time to tell him my real name.

"James, when we first met I didn't tell you my name, I told you my middle name. My first name is Amy." He looks up in my eyes, I am a little relieved he hasn't gotten up or said anything rude yet.

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