#23 : Gone

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Mission failed.

The slate was taken by the Green Clan. The Blue King received a fatal blow. Reishi's currently taking a rest at the medical van near the tower. The rest of the Scepter 4 went inside to secure any danger. They bombed fire extinguisher to almost all corner.

Fushimi passed by the group of HOMRA. "Useless, teamplay", Fushimi commented as he walk in front of Yata. Yata pulled his colar and gave him a glare. "Dont cal it useless!!!", Yata scolded. Kusanagi pulled the two apart. Fushimi gave his usual mocking stares then left. He went to check the Blue King. He peeked inside the medical van and saw Reishi in bandage. "The Green Clan used one of our helicopter to take the Slate", Fushimi reported. "Ah, I see", Reishi said with a dull voice. "Arent we going after them?", Fushimi asked. "We lost. I lost", Reishi commented disragarding Fushimi's question. "We are waiting for your order", Fushimi insisted. "Its no use. You can do what you want", Reishi honestly said. "What is this? The Green King beat the hell out of you and you're here sulking about it?", Fushimi said with disrespect. "Disappointed? Then why dont you leave us and join the Green Clan like what you did to HOMRA?", Reishi mocked. The frontliners a.k.a Scepter 4 clansmen surrounded the two. Fushimi drew his sword. "Fushimi! You're overdoing it", Akiyama stepped forward to stop him. "This is it", Fushimi removed his coat and pinned it on the van's wall using his sword. Domyojui tried to go after him but Kamo blocked him with his hand. "Our task is to protect our King", Kamo reminded.

Naoki's busy tending the wounded. She noticed Yata walking with a pissed off face. Naoki called Awashima and ask someone to take over her place. Naoki followed him back to HOMRA. The rest are already sleeping while Yata is cleaning the bar. The door opened. "You dare come here in that uniform, Reiko", Yata said in a weak voice. "Thank you for allowing us to work with you", Naoki bowed. "Dont get the wrong idea. I am working under Anna. Anna agreed so I have to protect her", Yata explained. Naoki got the broom and sweeped around the bar. "You dont have to...", Yata averted his and glanced back to Naoki. She's the same, yet different. Silence enveloped the big room. It wasnt offending. Both are reminiscing the memories with HOMRA. "You see, I am really hot-headed. I cannot forgive you now but I will thank you for being a part of HOMRA", Yata flushed. Naoki smiled then went out of the bar.

Naoki walked at the street and noticed a familiar figure. He's not in his coat but he's still wearing white polo and grey vest. She went closer but a red flame made a boundary. "Dont get closer", Fushimi turned to her with a scary look on his face. "Fushimi-san, arent you with Captain", Naoki asked. Her phone rang.

Fuse: Naoki, where are you this time?

Naoki: I asked Lieutenant to have me cover

Fuse: Naoki, the truth is...

Naoki: Can we talk about it la-

Fuse: Fushimi left the Scepter 4

Naoki put off her phone. "That was weird", Naoki returned her focus in front of her but Fushimi's nowhere to be found. She thought it was a joke. The moment she took her sight away, he just disappeared.

Time for another betrayal story.

The plot belongs to K project. I was just putting my OC into the picture.


I want to finish this story.

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