#4: 3 in One

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Naoki Kauri POV
The strong honest one

My name is the opposite if me. I'm 17 years old. The real me has blue orbs and loose hair with pale skin. I fixed my hair and wear contact lenses for my disguise. 5'3 in height.  The path I decided to take is a hard one. I've got schedule of 3 people. Sometimes, I no longer know who I really was. Here's my schedule

9:00 pm- 5:30 am
I am Shigure Miura and I act as a guy. Its not my intention to join this clan but my brother passed his records with my picture while I was cosplaying as a guy. He left me with no choice or else the Scepter 4 will put him into prison for playing prank with them. There are days when Awashima-san will call me for an emergency.

5:30 am- 3:30 pm
I am a student of Ashinaka High School. I wonder why my name is different. It was my brother who enrolled me into the school that is why my name was mistaken. I talked about it with the school principal but he begged for me to stay as is or else the schools reputation will be ruined.

3:30 onwards...
I am an errand girl of HOMRA bar ran by Izumo-san. That jerk had a huge debt and made a payment. HOMRA kept banging on our apartment room for 3 days straight so I decided to accept Izumo-san's deal.

What a busy life! Its no longer a normal teenager's life. Its already dawn, my alarm clock already rang. Thanks to that half brother of mine. I only have a break during weekends from school and got a day off every Sunday. My contract with HOMRA will only last for 3 months so I just need to hang for a while. Today is Saturday but I have to work for the Scepter. I enjoyed playing a role of a hero here but its hard to act tough with guys. I'm one of the front liners so I've got no choice but to learn combat the hard way. Back in elementary, my brother - Shigure- taught me swordmanship and I'm clinging to that as my basics.

I make it this early to take a bath for me not to be discovered but Fushimi-san always comes in first so I have to wait for him. Captain positioned us at the corners of the City. Strains are rebelling for not being able to use their powers freely. "Oi~ be alert. We're dealing with high class strains", Akiyama-san lectured to me. I gripped on my sword when I felt a strong wind passing through us. "Here he comes", Akiyama leaned on my back. "Watch my back, Miura", he ordered. I closed my eyes and observed the flow of the wind. I swung my sword and caught something. The Strain started to shed blood on his stomach. "Did I get him?", I asked Akiyama. He got sparkles on his eyes. "You're really amazing, Miura", he handcuffed the Strain.

After every mission, Ren-san always invite me for a party in Kamo's room. How I wish to join them but I have some stuffs to attend to as HOMRA's errand girl. I took my huge bag and visited Tamiko-san. She's the only person who knows about my identities. After being abandoned by our parents, Tamiko-san treated us like her own. She released us from a hellish orphanage that nearly killed me and my brother.

Time to work...
What a tiring day.

Did I make clarification?
3 personalities are hard to manage eh~

Well then....

Time to fix some timeline and Im not good at that.

When You And Blue Collidesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें