#15: Comebacks

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Mikoto surrendered to the Scepter 4 and was held into captivity. Fushimi also went back to work. In that case, there are no more reason to be connected with each other. This time, Naoki can focus in being Nozomi Mirai.
Naoki Kauri'S POV
It's already starting to get cold. I went to get some flowers and chocolate for Tamiko-san. Entering the room, I heard her coughing. She weakly turned her face to me. Tamiko-san managed a smile. I sat next to her and peeled an apple. "So you're done with Reiko?", she asked. I narrated how they gave me a party and I also told her about Fushimi-san. Tamiko-san's eyes broke into tears. I shouldnt have said that. Tamiko-san kept saying how she wished to see Fushimi-san. I cannot make him go here just because of a request. After a while, the door opened. My eyes widened and tears formed in my eyes. "Suprise, Kauri", Shigure-ni entered. I rushed to hug him. I heard a long sigh from Tamiko-san. I went out to buy dinner. The Scepter 4 are patrolling the area. It was about that Colorless King. Of course, I still havent give up looking for the culprit. While running back at the hospital, I bumped into a hard wall. "Look where you are walking", it was a familiar voice. I looked up and saw sharp eyes looking down on me. "Fushimi-san", my mouth moved on their own. He passed through me. Right? We dont have any reason to stay connected. Scepter 4 is where he belongs right now. Aya-san, I'm sorry but it seems that I cant be the one to bring bacl his smiles.

Shigure-ni talked about his crazy adventures in the wild. I felt weird. I was never angry of him or what. I wanted to thank him for expanding my world. He looked at me as if he read what I just thought. "I'm a great brother after all", he talked highly of himself. I just nodded and agreed with him. He stayed at the hospital since Tamiko-san needed more assistance.

I went at the apartment and looked around. It's empty again. I removed my lense and pony tail. This time, I am Naoki Kauri. Awashima-san suddenly called. "Shigure... I mean Naoki Kauri, the Captian wants to see you tomorrow", Awashima-san ended the call.

The headquarters looked different. It was designed with Christmas design. Fuse-san was there to fetch me. I gulped as I approach. Kamo-san, Akiyama-san, Domyouji-san, Enomoto-san, and the rest suddenly appeared one by one. "Do you guys know me?", I stupidly asked. They all nodded. "I dont know what to say", Domyouji scratched his head. "To know that you're a girl", Fuse averted his stares. I bowed low on everyone. "Everyone, I want to ask for your forgiveness. I deceived you and lied to you even the fact that your treated me as one of you", I apologized. "Raise your head, Naoki", Captain's voice called. "We are not here to listen to apologies. We are calling you back in work. Naoki Kauri and not as Shigure Miura", Captain gave me back my uniform and sword. I looked around but Fushimi-san is not around.

The first thing I did was to check Mikoto-san. He's lazily sleeping at his cell. "I bought you food . Mikoto-san", I opened his cell. "Is that you? Reiko?", he asked as he looked at me. I nodded. It felt ackward that I am in Scepter's uniform. "You look different without any make-up", Mikoto-san commented. "How are you feeling?", I asked. He sighed and took the food I delievered. I'm not in the position to ask.

And so... It end up that Naoki will be staying with Scepter 4.

Gwah!!! I didnt sleep early for straight 3 days.

T .T

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