# 21: Jealousy

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"Good morning", Naoki ran around the dinning room with a smile plastered in her face.

Yesterday... Evening
After being mocked by Fushimi. Naoki went at HOMRA but its empty. "HOMRA is already a disbanded clan", the note says in the door. Naoki got spare keys so she entered the bar. Naoki stole some of Izumo's alchohol and drowned herself.  "Airhead, Fushimi. What am I doing?", Naoki talked to herself.

Naoki went back at the headquarters and entered by the dinning hall where Fushimi is working.

"Good morning", Akiyama hesistantly greet back. "Where is Fushimi-san", Naoki asked. "I saw at the stairs and heard him talking to someone on the phone", Fuse informed. Naoki checked him.

"Mikoto-san, Totsuka-san and even Kusanagi-san is not here. You're the only one whom I can run this time", Yata had a crack on his voice while talking with Fushimi via phone. Fushimi hanged the phone and sent a map. "Hmmm... So you are a tsundere?", Naoki showed herself while waiting for Fushimi to walk down the stairs. "Thanks to you, I'm all tired. You reek with beer yesterday so I have to drag you into your room", Fushimi stretched his hands. "Guard the entrance with Benzai and Ren. Wait for any suspicious people leaving the building and go catch them", Fushimi ordered in his usual bored tone. Naoki followed him till they reach the helicopter. "I'll take the longer route", Naoki stepped back. "Come on, we dont have time. The Green Clansmen is already at the tower", Domyouji pulled her. Naoki gulped and entered the helicopter. "You've been stiff the whole time", Fuse commented. Fushimi passed a plastic bag. "Dont be so near her, Fuse. You'll get wet by her vomit", Fushimi warned. As what was said, Naoki vomitted at the plastic bag.

They went out of the helicopter and positioned themselves outside the building. "Fushimi, have you located Anna?", Reishi asked. Fushimi nodded and showed it to Reishi. "Tell them to stand by", Reishi commanded. Awashima smiled while watching their coordination. "I'm asking permission to say whats on my mind.Your smile is creeping me out", Fushimi bluntly said. "Fushimi!!!", Awashima held her temper. Naoki looked up and saw the Sword of Damocles. It was colored Red. "Mikoto-san?", she said loudly. "Dont be stupid, Naoki. A dead person can never be brought back to life", Fushimi glance to her and proceeded to his position. "I'm pissed off. I wish for that guy to be suspended so I can lecture him all day long", Naoki laughed while saying it.

Green thunder hit the Red Sword of Damocles. Reishi activated his Sanctum and protected the Red Sword of Damocles. Anna, Yata, and Kusanagi went out of the building. "In respect for the Third King, Kushina Anna, draw your sword", Reishi ordered. Naoki was shocked that she wasnt able to draw his sword. "Naoki", Ren whispered and so she drew his sword. Anna passed by them and stopped in front of Naoki.

"Nice to see you again, Reiko", Anna smiled. "Yata-san, come and ask for an apology", Anna ordered. Yata furrowed his brow and bowed to Naoki. "I'm sorry for raising a voice. As what you have said, its not easy to forgive what you have done", Yata honestly said. He looked at Fushimi and thanked him. "Anna", Reishi called showing his sword. "This is the sword that took the life of Mikoto", Reishi informed. "If that was his wish", Anna smiled. Fushimi left for a while and hunted for the Green Clansmen. He trapped her into a narrow alley. He threw knives and it pinned the masked man. Fushimi went close and removed the mask. It was a lady with green hair and emerald eyes. He went to close that he can feel her pounding heart. "What a handsome boy", the lady cupped his face. Fushimi withdrawed and wiped his cheek. "Dont touch me with your dirty hands", Fushimi grumpily said. "You just had a shade of red into your cheek", Hirasaka, the green haired lady removed the knives. Hirasaka was able to break through and pushed Fushimi into the wall. "Stop the disgusting thing you are doing", a sword is pointed into Hirasaka's neck. "How scary", Hirasaka smirked and had the sword passed through her body since she has the ability to manipulate solid materials. She punched Naoki hard that made her fall on the ground. Fushimi went back to his sense and signalled the rest. Hirasaka was arrested.

Kamo assisted Naoki to stand up. "I cant believe you ran here just to catch that Green clansmen", Kamo sighed. Naoki covered her bruised cheeks. "You werent given any orders to assist", Fushimi clicked his tongue. "Sorry, Sir, but if I wasnt there, she could have killed you in an instant", Naoki raised her voice. "Stop it, Naoki. If Lieutenant and Captain hears you...", Kamo calmed her down. Naoki humphed the two lads.

This was taken by Missing Kings. I dont completely own the plot.

I guess Fushimi's preference will be someone older and with a good body structure like Seri.

In this chapter, it shows that Naoki's scared of heights.

Well... Lets see what'll happen.

Thank you for reading this far.

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