#22: Last Glance

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Naoki had been sulking while eating her breakfast at the dinning room. She looked around and noticed that Fushimi is missing. She's got exam today so she changed into Nozomi Mirai. Nozomi entered Ashinaka High School and saw Kukuri having a conversation with Kuro and Neko. Kukuri excused herself and joined Nozomi walked inside their classroom. "You've been ditching us for almost the whole month. Want to be dropped?", Kukuri threatened. "You wont be able to do that", let out her tongue. "Want me to pull that for you?", Nozomi glared.

"Your eyes look fine", Kukuri commented. "I'm getting enough sleep this days", Nozomi explained. She was able to take special classes since Fushimi's the one manipulating the school's system right now. "Kukuri, if a guy hesitates to hit a girl. What does that mean?", Nozomi asked. "He's a gentleman", Kukuri answered. Nozomi broke out a laugh. "No, I'm serious. The situation is that he has to capture that girl but he hesitated. What does that mean?", Nozomi asked. "It means you like the man. If you're getting jealous then just tell him", Kukuri sighed and sat at her sit.

Naoki went back at the headquarters in Scepter's uniform. Everyone is in alert level. Naoki went to her room to get his sword. They surrounded the tower. The HOMRA formed an alliance with the BLUE and the SILVER clan.

Naoki Kauri's POV
Captain's acting weird. He never talked to us since the time he was tasked to take care of the Slate. This time, we are going to stop the JUNGLE from taking the Slate. It was a saddening news that the Gold King died. I saw blue spark slipping to his sword. This was the same as Mikoto-san. I elbowed Fushimi-san who was currently fixing his laptop. "Fushimi-san, Captain's acting weird", I reported. "Look up", he grabbed my chin and I saw Captain's Sword of Damocles. Its falling into pieces. My eyes widened and took a gulp. Captain's loosing control of his power. The rest of the team are fighting while Fushimi-san and I are on standby. We are waiting at the van for the top Clansmen to appear. "Naoki, this will be a short time but I want you to learn how to use the Scepter 4's system", Fushimi-san suddenly showed me the data he's been working on. "You're really amazing, Fushimi-san. Its far complicated than the one at Ashinaka", I accidentally slipped. "I mean, we were once patrolling that area, right?", I reasoned out. "I already sent you some code in your mail", Fushimi-san wasnt bothered from what I said. He always works professionally. Not to mention, he's always with the Captain and he stil manages paper works while fighting some Strain.

I cant help but to look at his serious face while setting up the traps. He clicked his tongue then wore his headset. I also wore mine. "Be prepared, the Green King is already here", he alarmed. It feels weird. Before, I was doing things on my own. That is why I cant ride team play. This time, I just went with the flow of Fushimi-san's amazing skills.

To be honest, I felt pity for the person we are setting this trap for. I can see Fushimi-san's furrowed brows everytime our traps are being busted. We cant help it, its the Green King. Even the Silver King said he was a dangerous man. Fushimi-san clicked his tongue. "At least, we managed to separate them", Fushimi gave a long sigh. "Oi, Saru!!! Wrong opponent!!!", I heard Yata's voice in his phone. "I know. Its also hard here, you know?", Fushimi raised his voice. He went out and looked up to the tower. "Let's leave the rest to them", Fushimi-san rarely became passive. While waiting, my stomach growled. Wah!!! I wasnt able to take dinner since I came from school. Fushimi-san turned around and entered the van. He pulled snack bar from his pocket. I was very happy until he opened it and bit it himself. Who am I kidding? He's not the type of guy. I pouted then crossed my arm. "Catch", he threw it to me. Yeay!!! I've got my share. It's vanilla flavor. I excitedly bit the bar and realized.... Indirect kiss?!!!

I'm done eating and cleared my throat. "Thank you", I shyly said. "I thought you have to be sincere while saying that?", Fushimi-san teased. I stared at him for a long time then repeated that phrase. "Thank you!!!", I shouted. For the rest of the mission, I just kept staring at him. I've got the feeling that once I remove my sight, he'll be gone.

Then... Then... Got a lot of grammar error.

Gomme.... Still, thank you for reading this far.

This scenario seems familiar? Yhup... I got it from Return of the Kings.

Wait for more update!!!

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