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Prologue . . .

I hate him. I hate everything about him. I hate that stupid smirk he wears every time he lays eyes on me, and I hate what's going on between us; something I vowed never to do under any circumstances. Those circumstances include: if he were the last guy on this stupid Earth; if someone were about to kill me; if someone paid me to do it; ...we could seriously be here all day if I named the rest.

I'm sorry. How rude am I? Let me start from the beginning and explain.

For starters, I'm Chloe Davis. I have deep brown eyes and wavy, sometimes curly, brown hair; depends on my mood which one I have. I say depends on my mood because curly seems all bubbly and happy while wavy doesn't, get it? Well, I don't think wavy seems all happy and bubbly . . .

Okay, moving on.

I'm about 5"3, which is kinda short at my school to be completely honest. It's like my high school is home of the giants, even though our mascot is a freaking dolphin. But I use my shortness as an advantage. I could be, like, a super-fast ninja or something. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, creeping in the night.

People tell me I'm pretty all the time, and when I say "people" I really just mean guys. I usually get snobby looks or bitchy comments from the girls.

Not all the girls, of course. I do have two very best friends, Kayla Greene and Shay Walker.

Kayla is the smartest one of us, there's no denying that. She has dark brown hair and really pretty eyes. The shape is exotic and I don't really know the name of it . . . But they're pretty! They're light brown but she swears they're "hazel". Come on, Kayla.

Kayla's the one we turn to for advice, well, because she's smart so why wouldn't we? She's smart, which means she knows a lot of stuff, right? That's why we go to her for advice . . . and any other question we may have about something.

She's quiet when she's not with me or Shay, but once she's with us it's like she turns into another person. It's like one minute she's all quiet, smart, and boring (don't tell her I said that), then the next she's being loud, funny, and talkative. It's like me and Shay can get Kayla into that comfort zone.

Next is the, oh, so outgoing . . . Shay Walker. Like me, Shay's not the sharpest tool in the shed but that's okay; we leave the smartness for Kayla. Me and Shay have most of our classes together since we're not "eligible" for Kayla's classes, whatever that's supposed mean.

Shay has pretty eyes, too. Her eyes have this almond-like shape to it with eyelashes a girl would kill for. Her eye color is light blue but they're grayish blue if you asked me. Oh, and she has long brown hair, too.

Her personality is more out there than mine and Kayla's. She's the type of person who, if dared, would run down the road naked screaming "YOLO" at the top of her lungs. Yeah, totally out there.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for . . . The moment of my doom, might I add? Time to meet . . . Mr. Jerkface. I mean, I can't even say his name without being disgusted. Gabe Smith. Bleh.

Gabe (Bleh) is this guy who is really full of himself if you ask me. I mean, there really isn't much to say after that.

Okay, I'm not going to leave you guys hanging like that . . .

He's an arrogant prick, to put it simply, with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. The combination is just plain sexy . . . But not on him.

I hate it, now that I think about it. You see, that's why I hate him. I just pray he doesn't start singing my favorite song because then I would probably have to hate that too!

Why couldn't it have been someone else? Of all the people in this giant world, it had to be him!

Gabe (Yuck) is about 6 feet tall, give or take an inch or two. He's really lean and muscular, and I may or may not have thought about whether he has a 6-pack or not . . . He drives this really pretty black Mustang to school every day. Don't ask me the model because I'm not good with cars . . . Kinda like I am with math . . .

So now you know him and I wish I didn't.

Funny how the world can't be the way you want it, but oh well.

Now, see what I went through with Gabe Smith, the popular player and . . . my enemy with benefits.


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