(4) The Aftermath

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Hello, everyone! It's Monday again, which means another update! I hope you like it and don't forget to vote!

The Aftermath . . .

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head. I groaned and made no move to do anything. "I think this is what being dead feels like," I mumbled out loud. I mentally cursed Shay for making me go to that stupid party.

"I can assure you, you're not dead," a voice I knew all too well said from across the room.

I turned my head and planted my face firmly into the pillow, trying to cut off some oxygen and wake myself up from this nightmare. This isn't happening.

I lifted my head, gasping for air. Damn, it's not a dream.

I turned my head, looking over at Gabe who was sitting on top of his large dresser, snacking on a bag of Gummy Worms. He was shirtless, I tried ignoring that part, with only a pair of jeans on.

He got down from the dresser, taking the bag of candy with him. "Stay right there," I heard him say.

"Trust me," I said turning my head. "I'm not going anywhere," I said against the pillow, slightly annoyed.

He came back a minute later holding a glass of water and a bottle of Advil. "Do I seriously look like a little brown haired boy to you," he asked and sat on the edge of the bed next to me, setting the water and pills on the nightstand beside the bed.

I just groaned in response, trying to ignore the fact that I could smell the body wash he wore. "Damn, my sides are killing me," I mumbled absently, rolling onto my back and finally realized what was missing.

As best I could, I tried to tighten the covers around my completely nude body. "What the hell, Gabe?!"

"Oh, so little Miss Princess doesn't remember anything," he taunted and put the candy on the bed beside him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of black, lacy underwear. "I like to keep these after I . . . score," he said and smirked down at me.

My mouth fell open as my eyes grew wide in horror. "I was asleep!"

"Yeah, for like 10 minutes and after you woke up you were all over me," he said shoving my underwear back in his pocket. "And you threw your bra over there," he said laughing and tilting his head to the left.

"Stop lying, this isn't funny, Gabe," I said in a shaky voice.

"What do I have to lie for? Now get dressed so I can take you home," he said and stood up, putting more gummy worms in his mouth.

"I don't have any clothes, though," I said in a weak voice and sat up.

This was it for me. I didn't even care anymore. I had to accept the fact that my worst nightmare had come true. But on the bright side, I don't even remember it.

I'll drink to that.

"Just find some of my clothes to wear, I don't care," he said and shrugged. He walked over to the door and stepped out. Before he closed the door he stuck his head back in with a smirk on his face. "Very talented mouth you got there."

I picked up the first solid thing I could find, which was the bottle of pills, and hurled it at him. I missed his head as he quickly shut the door.

He stuck his head back in again. "Very talented," he said, biting down on his bottom lip.

"I swear I'm going to kill you --"

"You sure you don't want to fuck me first?"

I grabbed the next closest thing, which was a full glass of water, and flung the water, not the glass, towards him.

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