(10) Sprint in Slow Motion

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Hey you guys! I hope the wait for this wasn't so long, haha. I just want to thank you guys for reading, it seriously means a lot. If you like it, just let me know by commenting or voting. This chapter is kinda lengthy, so I hope you enjoy it :)

Sprint in Slow Motion . . .

"I'm telling you; nothing else happened after that," I tried explaining to Shay and Kayla for the hundredth time.

"You didn't even make out with him after we left," Shay questioned from the passenger seat. "I mean, your parents were out and you had the entire house to yourselves," she said suggestively.

I fell silent. The denial was there; ready to roll off the tip of my tongue. But they would know I was lying within an instant. I didn't have to answer. I could just let their imagination run away from them. Far away, must I add?

"Ah-ha! So you did," Kayla exclaimed from the back seat.


I shrugged a response, choosing not to voice anything. If I had told them one thing I wouldn't be able to stop myself from telling them everything. And trust me they could go without knowing what else happened after they left.

"Did you guys . . ." Shay trailed and wiggled her eyebrows.

Deny, deny, deny.

"What?! No way," I screeched. "Okay, could we please talk about something besides this," I begged and sighed heavily.

"At least we know which one of us doesn't kiss and tell," Kayla said and laughed. "Or in this case get some --"

"Kay-la," I groaned cutting her off.

"Okay, sorry, sorry. I'm gonna stop now," she said and laughed again. "I'm done now."

"Thank you," I said and turned into our school's parking lot.

The parking lot was packed, like always, with people standing by their cars talking with their friends. It was taking us so much longer to get to the far side of the parking lot because people kept getting in the way of my car.

"Oh, come on," Shay yelled when a group of people were standing in the way, forcing me to stop. Shay reached over, pressing my car's horn and holding it there. "Get outta the fuckin' way," she yelled out the window.

The crowd quickly dispersed and made way for my car. They gave her crazy looks though Shay just smiled triumphantly.

"Nice," I said laughing and parked in our spot. I got out with Kayla while Shay, of course, was still in the car.

I walked to the back of my car and crawled onto the trunk and sat there. A few seconds later Kayla joined me.

"Why didn't you tell him yes," she asked quietly once she was situated next to me.

I had thought about this. Why hadn't I told him yes? You can't just date Gabe Smith and then think about what was to happen. You see, I'm smart enough to think ahead.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "It would be way too complicated to date him, ya know?"

"What's so complicated about it," she asked confused. "Don't you want to?"

"It's not that I don't want to," I said and sighed. I honestly had no idea whether or not I wanted to. He could be really confusing at times. At least, after last night I think I wanted to. "It's just all the stuff that comes along with him."

"Like what," she asked angling her head to look at me.

"Like the really jealous girls . . . The fact that Gabe cheats . . . And Kelsey," I said and rolled my eyes. "And that's not even the end of the list."

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