Author's Note

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I would first like to apologize for the emotional or triggering toll that I placed on any of you! Wasn't my intention, and back then, the only explanation is that  I had a VERY overreactive "creative" imagination. And also, I LOVE drama. So I concocted my own, of course. :) It's been years since I wrote this and my writing has evolved since then. I'm more aware of things now, and the comments gave me SO much feedback on my writing or how I established the plot, and words can't explain how grateful I am for that. Most made me laugh, but some had some serious criticism that I will always accept as constructive.

Secondly, I know the ending was... triggering, unexpected, the works to be quite frank and I'm aware of that. It's currently April 2021 and I re-read this in hopes of rewriting the ENTIRE story. Like, major edit mode. So I was thinking of rewriting some of the story line? But I feel as if I should leave it as is. After reading it myself, I feel as if the story was well written (aside from the gramatical errors that will get fixed eventually) and changing the story line would just turn it into a different story, and that's not what i want. So it will stay, no matter how cringe it was.

Thanks for reading :)

(Original Author Note)

Firstly, just in case there is some confusion, in the last chapter she did choose Jeremiah; but as you could clearly see she's still doing stuff with Gabe. Yes, I did that on purpose and no, that's not supposed to be like a cliff hanger or something.

Secondly, I am well aware that some things aren't really adding up when you read it. Like, for instance, some loose plots and what not. I wrote this when I was about 15 and just continued to stick with it. I don't think it started to get better until about the last couple of chapters actually. I have yet to do a hard edit of this story... but I'll get around to that when I'm not so lazy. When I do that, maybe some things will clear up and maybe I'll add a few things so that it's easier to read.

Thirdly, I saw this a couple of times hahaha "what happened to Anthony?" Well, lovelies, Anthony was one of those in-and-out characters, ya know? Like, was only there for a brief moment holding a little bit of importance, but completely disposable in the long run. I mean, I guess I could have done a better job of getting rid of him in that one chapter (can't think of it right now) but eh.. I thought that was a good exit. Sorry to those who had a crush on the Puerto Rican God, hahaha

Fourthly, are you ready?! As many of you have guessed... there will be a sequel. And if you have not already guessed, the title is going to be "Lovin' The Benefits"; hence the very last sentence of this story. However, since I am currently posting another story on here called The Tutor, I'm currently going to be focusing on posting that story for a little while, until I get nearly done with that.

And Lastly, I just want to take this time to personally thank each and every one of you who actually stuck through the incredibly long waits and the crazy dumb plots just to get to this very moment right here, right now. I love you guys soooo so much for that, and you honestly don't know how much that means to me! I wish you guys would interact more like... I don't know where to go with the sequel, I mean yeah, I got a couple of chapters but I'm at this roadblock. I'm still up for suggestions you guys! THANKS SO MUCH!


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