(11) Adventures of the Shorty That Ran

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Hey you guys! Sorry for the late update. I'll try to upload weekly since I don't have a life anymore lol. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote :)

Adventures of the Shorty That Ran . . .

"Mrs. Johnson said for you to work with your partner," Mr. Sub said glancing down at a piece of paper after he took attendance.

That's what I'm going to stick with calling him. I had no intentions on calling him 'Steven' or 'Mr. Steven'. I felt that was way too much on a personal level, and I really needed to avoid that. In the last 7 minutes I've watched him seem like the male version of Kelsey and it gets worse with every second that ticks by.

"I guess for that project, research thing? I don't fucking know," he continued and shrugged. "I really don't care what you do, just don't break anything."

I sat back in my seat, a smile creeping onto my face. My 'partner' wasn't here. According to Shay, he drove off during my little 'show' this morning.

That was totally fine with me.

The class erupted in loud chaos as people shuffled around the room, moving to where their partner was. Shay stayed seated with an annoyed look on her face. She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes when Maddie brought a chair up and flopped down in front of her.

"So," Maddie said loudly and a bit too cheerfully. "What are we doing this on? I don't think we decided yet."

"We haven't," Shay groaned and dropped her head to the table. "Total BS," she mumbled, softly hitting her head against the desk.

I laughed and shook my head. Shay was always the dramatic one.

A finger tapped on the side of my head a little too forcefully. I leaned away and turned my head, ready to confront the person for touching me. My words got caught in my throat. I swallowed hard and slowly rose my eyes to stare at a smirking Mr. Sub. His arms were folded and he tilted his head at me.

"Follow me to my office," Mr. Sub said and turned around.


I watched him walk over to Mrs. Johnson's desk and flop in the seat. He motioned me with his finger to go over there.

"What the hell," Shay mumbled as I stood up. "Did he just say that was his office?"

I shrugged and shot her a confused look. I sighed heavily and slowly made my way over there.

"Nice little display earlier," my friend said amusedly as I was passing him.

"Shut up, John," I said smacking him playfully in the arm.

"You hit like a girl," he said and laughed.

"I am one," I said and hit him again. I walked away from him rolling my eyes.

"Ms. Davis, is it," Mr. Sub asked once I reached him.

I nodded and looked up towards the ceiling. Is it every Michael's lifelong goal to mess with me or something?

"What were you doing over there," he asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Consulting with my partner," I told him shrugging. I shifted my weight to my left leg and folded my arms across my chest.

"Who's your partner," he asked leaning back in the chair.

What is this? Twenty-one questions?

I sighed heavily and avoided eye contact with him. "I forgot," I mumbled quietly.

"What was that," he asked leaning in dramatically so he could hear me better.

I rolled my eyes and glared down at the floor. "Gabe Smith," I said.

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