(14) Cool Story, Bro

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Cool Story Bro . . .

"Give me your number."

We were back at my school, parked beside my car a few minutes before the final bell was going to ring.

The entire ride here Jeremiah and I talked . . . and talked and talked and talked some more. He found out so much about me in the short 20 minutes it took us to get here. I honestly felt like he knew more about me than my closest friends (don't tell Shay and Kayla that), heck, maybe even my mom!

I found out some stuff about him, too. Like that his favorite color is green, he prefers songs by Eminem over most songs, and he thinks Titanic in 3D should cease to exist. When I asked him about the Titanic thing he said and I quote, "I didn't even see the point in making it. And honestly, when I went and saw it I couldn't see a fucking difference from the original one! 10 bucks of my money; WASTED! You know what I coulda bought with those 10 bucks?!" He didn't let me guess. "Ten items off the dollar menu at McDonald's because I was hungry as hell after watching that long ass movie. I didn't even get a splash of water on me. So now, I'm hungry and thirsty!"

He's a Capricorn, January 13th to be exact. His mom made him play piano until he was 10. He can skateboard. He thinks people wearing jackets in the summer and shorts in the winter are weird. His favorite food is lasagna. He's single because his last girlfriend was "dumb as a door knob". He likes watching Family Guy and he most relates to Quagmire and/or Stewie. When he was younger he dreamt of being in the group 'N Sync' because he wanted to take Britney Spears from Justin Timberlake. He has already been suspended 4 times even though we're not even halfway through the school year. He hates (more like is afraid of) snakes. I found out the model of his truck, Chevy Silverado. He's never been to Sesame Street. He dips his French fries in his milkshake every time he orders the two together. He can surf a little. He still doesn't know how Santa Claus can get into a house with no chimney. He hates how girls get too clingy after a one night stand. He thinks some people take Halloween way too serious. "What kind of sick, grown person takes enjoyment out of scaring the crap outta little kids?" His favorite kinds of shoes are Vans and Converses because he thinks you can wear them with anything. He says he can take listening to Taylor Swift but only for so long. "I prefer Cher Lloyd's Want U Back." That part made me laugh.

And those were just to name a few things I found out.

"Fine," I said holding my hand out. "Give me your phone and I'll put it in there."

"Always so impatient," he teased and reached in his pocket for his phone. "Give me yours."

I rolled my eyes playfully as we swapped phones. I quickly tapped my number into his contacts and saved it under the name 'Chloe-kins'. I bit my lip and looked over at him. He was still fumbling around with my phone so I started going through his.

I ended up scrolling through his many pictures. Giggling quietly to myself at a few, I found myself gawking at most of them. He had various pictures of himself goofing off and in some, he was shirtless.

His phone started to vibrate in my hands, startling me just a little. I looked over at him again and noticed he was still staring down at my phone doing something. My sneaky side started to surface.

Looking back down at his phone I noticed that he had gotten a text from . . . Chloe-kins.

Rolling my eyes I opened the text.

What are you doing Chloe-kins???

I hit the reply button and my fingers hesitated over the screen. He would definitely tease me if I told him I'd been going through and staring at his pictures, so I lied.

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