Eve hurried to Raven's side while Oberon guarded them against the Nasod," I apologize for interrupting your fight." She said with a warm smile. 

"Eve..."Raven coughed; blood dripped from the side of his mouth. 

"I abandoned by kind and left them to suffer; their death is weighed on me." She wiped away the drip of blood off his face. "You and I are much alike, our sins are equally as heavy and our hands are stained with innocent blood. So why should we not fight together; to work with one another to repent for our sins?"

"You useless Queen," the Nasod launched a trail of fireballs at Eve and Raven, Oberon swiftly intervened with each fireball. "Do you honestly believe you can repent? You have betrayed the entire Nasod race by siding with them, the only way to repay us is through death." 

A pink aura engulfed Eve----a hovering orb, similar to Raven's, emerged from a flash of light," a peasant like you has no right to give orders." She spoke slowly. "I will take my throne back, and I will rebuild the Nasod race. You can choose to help me rebuild my kingdom or you stand with the new ruler and fight against me----that choice will lead to your death."

"I would like to see you try to kill me," the Nasod rushed forward, Oberon stood in front of the Nasod and clashed swords with it.

"Spit Fire - Flush!"

With a flash of pink light, Ophelia appeared above the Nasod. It spun into the air, releasing electric shock waves in the process----the Nasod was instantly stunned by the attack. 

Eve launched at the Nasod," Illusion Stinger!" 

Eve summoned out a set of spears and launched them at the Nasod, a path of electric shocks followed the spears' path. The orb hovering by Eve released a blue laser at the Nasod once the attack finished, stunning it once more. 

"Sonic Wave."

Oberon sprung forward and released a large blue shock wave with its sword, the Nasod was thrown back as a result. 

Eve rushed forward, readying to launch her next attack," Illusion--"

"Maximum Canon." The Nasod quickly launched a fireball at Eve, sending her flying back----Oberon caught her in its arms before she could hit the ground. 

"D-do you think they'll be fine." I asked, with heart pounding from excitement and fear. 

This fight is not something you can everyday. In this fight both sides are throwing their life on the line, everyone is fighting with everything they have despite their injuries and fatigue. It's almost fascinating to see how strong their will is to take down their opponent.

"They'll be fine," Chung replied softly. "I've never seen Eve this angry before either, so I think they'll be okay."

I really hope so. 

Hopping back to its feet, the Nasod rushed toward Eve.

"Power Assault." Raven charged forward, knocking the Nasod out of Eve's way. 

As the Nasod struggled to find stable ground, Raven launched his next attack," Breaking Fist!" He punched the Nasod in the face, a small explosion resulted from the impact. 

"Power Assault!" The Nasod charged forward before Raven could safely back away. 

"Oberon," Eve pointed to the charging Nasod. 

Oberon shifted Eve into one of its arms before charging forward, slashing the Nasod across its back. The Nasod slumped down from the attack, leaving itself wide open for Raven.

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now