33: Velanna's Apology

Comenzar desde el principio

Velanna looked back down at the book in her hand, running her fingers across it. "I... I did not think of that. I see now that your gift is worth more than anything I could possess. Thank you, Nathaniel. I will write the stories of my people." She glanced over at me. "And write of our heroes, both ancient and new."

I saw Nathaniel in a brand new light just then. And he earned more respect from me than he'll ever know for that simple gift to Velanna.


I saw Oghren stumbling towards us and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Oh, Creators. What now?" I muttered. When Oghren was drunk, I never knew what was going to come out of his mouth. During the Blight, he'd gotten so drunk he'd asked me if I had sauce for my rump roast. Leliana and Zevran couldn't stop laughing.

"Er... you're gonna pay me, right?" he said. "For all that arse-whooping I do for you?"

I sighed. I knew I could probably tell him anything and he not remember what I said later. "You'll get a stipend if the nobles pay their dues."

"A stipend. That's good," He paused. "Yeah... what's a stipend?"

I was losing the battle of trying not to laugh. Anders and Nathaniel already had. "It's the money we pay you."

Sigrun was giggling.

"Money! There's a word I understand. What an arrangement! You feed me and I get to take out my frustrations on the Darkspawn." He laughed. "Anyway, can I have a pony?"

Velanna laughed this time.

"You're serious, aren't you?"

"Nah. It's okay, I know you think I'm... I'm just... Branka used to collect these little... little horse statues back when... back... Whoa... everything's spinning... and you're... very shiny. Gonna go sit down... now."

I stood and guided him to a chair before he fell down drunk in the middle of the mess hall. The encounter with Felsi really caused him to hit the bottle hard. "You just do that."


After dealing with a few of the nobles' complaints, Varel and I went in search of a spyglass. "I really can't believe how well you've adjusted to being an Arlessa, Realin," he commented.

I popped up from behind a stack of crates. It was nice to hear someone call me by my name instead of one of my titles. "What do you mean?"

"You balked at being the Arlessa at first. Like you didn't want the title."

"I still don't." I disappeared behind a cabinet. "But if being Commander of the Grey means being an Arlessa as well, then so be it. I guess I should have known that would happen when Alistair gave the Howes' lands and Arling to the Wardens as their new Ferelden headquarters." I finally found what I was looking for and emerged from behind the weapons rack. "Found it."

"I am curious as to why you wanted that."

"Sigrun wanted to see one in person. She'd heard about them but had never seen one. I told her I would arrange it."

"Perhaps you should let her keep that one. I'm sure there's plenty around here." He looked around at all the crates and racks. "I actually have no idea what's stored in here. There could just about be anything in here."

"I think she'd like that."

"Alistair couldn't have made a better choice in appointing you Commander of the Grey. You take care of your Wardens like a mother would her children."

The Dalish Commander (The Daughters of Thedas Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora