29: Aiding the Legion

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Glory to the Brave ~ Sprint Music

We arrived at the Knotwood Hills the next day. As we came over the rise, we saw what Colbert had been talking about.

"Wow," Nathaniel said. "He wasn't kidding."

"Let's go," I said. "Keep your eyes out for Darkspawn."

The place was as heavy with the taint as the Deep Roads themselves. A tainted bear raced towards us, the sight of it reminding me of the day I was tainted. I charged forward with a cry.

"I hate when she does that," I heard Oghren say.

It swiped a paw at me and I dove under it, somersaulting and stabbing both my blades through its side. It roared and reared up, allowing Nathaniel and the Mages to target its chest. Oghren hacked at its belly while Justice's sword pierced its other side. It died fairly quickly and I gave it a final blow to make sure it was dead.

"You know," Anders said, leaning against his staff. "People are going to start thinking you're insane."

"Too late for that," Oghren quipped. "Should have seen her go after the Archdemon. I heard she charged it head-on."

"Standing right here, Oghren."

"I know," he grinned.

I shook my head and we headed for the rickety bridge. As we crossed it, I noticed someone had built stairs leading down into the chasm. Looking over the other side, I saw that this was indeed a Deep Roads entrance. "I swear these things are everywhere."


Once over the bridge, we headed towards the stairs.

"You know, when your father took over the Arl of Denerim's palace," Oghren suddenly said. "He moved his bedroom next to the dungeon."

"What are you talking about?" Nathaniel asked.

"Sounds like someone liked to nip down for a bit of torture before bedtime."

I spun around. "Oghren!"

Nathaniel held his hand up to let me know it was alright. "Delilah did say that Father had begun indulging his darker side..."

"Everyone needs daddy issues. Just trying to help."

"Really, Oghren?" Anders said. His voice and face were completely serious and I knew that had struck a chord with him.

"Another word and I'll have Velanna shoot a lightning bolt up both your asses. And you know she'll enjoy it."

"Wait a minute...," Velanna started to protest, then paused. "Actually I would..."

Justice only shook his head.


We made it into the chasm without killing ourselves, or each other. I found some trinkets in a pack and thought that maybe they could have belonged to the two hunters.

"There it is," Oghren said. "And I sense some Darkspawn ahead."

"Several at that." I drew my bow and crept forward.

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