11: Nathaniel's Joining

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I Am the One ~ Inon Zur (The Joining)

When we returned to the Keep, we got a lot of double-takes. No doubt everyone was surprised to see I had Nathaniel in tow. I had no doubt word of that the intruder caught by the Wardens prior to the attack was actually Arl Howe's heir had gotten around the Keep. I noticed the looks. One woman even stopped and gaped.

"The way they are looking at us, you'd think I either killed the royal family or attempted to," he said.

I couldn't help it. I started laughing. He obviously still hadn't heard that the Warden Commander was also Queen of Ferelden.

"What are you finding so funny?"

"You'll understand later," Oghren explained. Nathaniel only shook his head.

Once inside the Keep, I turned to Anders and Oghren. "I'm giving you two the choice to witness Nathaniel's Joining or do something with your free time."

Anders raised his hand before I was even finished speaking. "I want to see this."

"You just do that," Oghren said. "I have a pint calling my name."

"Typical Dwarf."

I nodded and Oghren wandered off.

"Let's go talk to Varel."

"This should be interesting," Nathaniel commented.


Varel wasn't too happy at seeing Nathaniel with me. "Commander, I have to ask why you have the Howe boy with you?"

"Varel, I told you he is not his father," I said before Nathaniel could retort. "He volunteered to join the Wardens and I allowed it. And he saved my life out in the field." I wasn't going to mention he saved my life while we were picking fights with Templars. Or rather Templars were testing my reputation and influence and picking fights with me.

"He did intend to assassinate you."

"He isn't the first assassin to try to kill me. He won't be the last."

"Someone will get the smart idea to hire the Antivan Crows."

I know I had an amused look. He had no idea that I was friends with a former Crow. "They already tried. Twice. The Crows failed both times."

"Now I am impressed," Nathaniel said, his expression mirroring how impressed he was.

"I want to hear about this," Anders said with a grin.

"I may tell you the story some time, but not now."


"Let's get this started," I said.

The archer stood in front of us with his hands clasped behind him and I gave the "Master your Taint" speech, explaining to him why Grey Wardens are the only ones who can fight Darkspawn so fearlessly. He only raised a brow when I explained that he had to drink Darkspawn blood. Anders recited the words of the Joining flawlessly. It was really the first time I'd seen him totally serious.

"Nathaniel, step forward."

He did so without an ounce of fear and took the chalice I offered him.

"From this moment forth, you are a Grey Warden."

He took a deep breath and looked me in the eye. "The moment of truth," he said before drinking. He handed the chalice back to me and I took a step back. Tristan's ears stood straight up as we waited to see what would happen. For a moment it looked like nothing would happen. Then his face twisted in pain and he fell to a knee, grabbing his head. He cried out from the pain and his eyes rolled into the back of his head before he collapsed. Tristan was the first at his side, sticking his nose to Nathaniel's cheek. I knelt next to him. He was still alive and I smiled to myself.

"The Howe is stronger than I expected," Varel commented.

Anders knelt on the other side of him and hovered his hands over him. "Everything about him is strong. Wouldn't surprise me if he woke up in a few minutes. It's almost like he was meant to be a Grey Warden." True enough, Nathaniel groaned as if on cue, his hand going to his head. "Hmm, what do you know?"

"Why do I feel like I have a hangover?"

I laughed. Alistair had told me I was only out for several minutes myself, unlike most recruits who would be out for hours, like he had. "It's the after-effects of the Darkspawn blood," I said. "I've only known of two who didn't take long to wake up."

Nathaniel sat up with another groan and Anders and I helped him to his feet. "What the hell do you put in this stuff, Dwarven Ale?"

I laughed again. Made right, Dwarven Ale would knock you on your ass. It was what Oghren drank. He seemed to be immune to its effects, which might have explained why he never passed out during his and Anders' Joining. Varel handed me Warden's Oath and I passed it along to Nathaniel, explaining to him the meaning behind it. "Anders, take him to your quarters so he can rest and recover for the Joining."

"Yes, Commander."

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